Same ol song and dance

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Winter came and winter went in the small town of Tennessee. Spring was upon us, and it was beginning to feel amazing outside. Nicole was lunging Zip in the round pen, working on getting him to collect his trot instead of pace it out. Alexis peeked out one of the windows of the barn, brushing down her old rodeo gelding, Koda. His jet black coat gleamed and shimmered. "You're officially shedded out old boy! Looking as good as ever!" She gave him a pat on the neck and swung her pad and saddle up on him, cinching it down and sliding his halter off, sliding his bridle and hackamore over his nose and heading out the double barn doors to the outside world. Although Koda was pushing 30, he didn't act, or look his age. He still loved to get out and gallop around the fields as if he was a racehorse. Alexis heeled him into a trot, and headed down the fence row. She glanced over at Cheyenne and her three day old black filly with peircing blue eyes. The filly nickered and pranced down the fence row, galloping back and forth, as if asking Koda to play. Cheyenne, the proven racehorse and now proven broodmare, walked quietely behind the filly, not worried about a thing. Nicole smiled and waved from the round pen, whoaing Zip and turning her full attention to us. "Spunky little gal ain't she?" She yelled, and Alexis nodded, trotting Koda to the edge of the round pen. "Do you have any plans for Saturday? There's a big open show just out of town, first one of the season ya know." She winked, resting the reins on the saddle horn and relaxing her seat. Nicole shrugged. "Nope, sure don't. Think Zip is ready for barrels? He's running good times at home but he's never been hauled. Always makes me nervous." Alexis shrugged. "No idea kid. Could be. You could always use Koda. You know even out of shape he'll place in the 2D." Nicole thought on it and nodded, turning her attention back to Zip, as Alexis loped off. Her mind wandered back and forth throughout the small trail ride, Koda walking calmly down the narrow trail he had been down numerous times throughout the years. With a low snort, they came to the end of the trail, overlooking a large pond, surrounded by willow trees, and many little animals scrambled away from the horse. 

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