Chapter 1

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Babuska Forest, North-west


The sharp, glistening metal is pointed directly to the side of my neck. I can feel my sweat slide down my face as I let out a nervous chuckle.

It was so sudden.

What the hell is even happening right now!?

Few Minutes Ago...

"It f*cking huuurts!!!" I scream in pain after falling straight down and crashing into tree branches then onto the ground.
They just threw me down without giving me any sort of skill or protection!

What sort of goddess is she!? Totally irresponsible. I can't believe she just toss me away like this just to do her work... -_-#

I complain and curse the goddess for the trouble she is putting me in.

Not going to waste any more time, I stand up and look around. It seems like I am now deep in a forest. Great. I hope I won't get eaten by a wild animal.

Since I have no idea where I am, I just follow my gut to get out of here. I walk and walk without rest for maybe 30 minutes before finally giving up to rest. 'My feet are sore...' I thought while gasping for air due to loss of stamina.

It was then I could hear soft sounds on my left so I crawled to a bush near the source of the sound to check it out.

6 men, bowing down in front a group of knights with some bodies dropped around them. Dead.

I cover my mouth in fear. I can feel my body trembling as I accidently made a noise.

One could say it is a really terrifying scene. One of the knights, who I could assume is the leader, suddenly looked right at my direction and points his sword in a menacing way which made my body twitch.

"The one hiding behind the bush. Come out this instant!"

'Craaappp...' I feel my soul almost jump out of my body. For this to happen the moment I've arrived in this world... I meekly come out of the bush while showing the most innocent face i think I can make. "Y-yes...?"


"Huh?" He gave me a menacing glare. "Get down or I'll kill u."

'Eeep..!!!' I immediately nelt down. "Although I don't know what is happening but please spare meee!!!!" I quickly begged.

He payed no mind and looked at the others kneeling on the ground and growls. "Where is the princess?" he points his sword to one of the men's neck.

"I-I don't know!" The man said, shaking his head.

"Don't lie. Tell me, where. is.the.Princess." blood seeps out of the man's neck as the knight slowly presses it deeper into the man's neck which causes him to fear for his life even more.

"I-IT'S TRUE. I don't know! W-we just kidnap her out of someone's orders and was told to just leave her deep in the forest where those demons lay." He confess. "We didn't do anything else I swear!"

The knight then gave out a scary aura. "And who is this person u speak off...?"

"I-i don't know. Boss didn't tell us her name but we all we know is that this person isn't just a simple person" He look around nervously.

"Her...huh?" the knight then muttered and groans. "Doesn't matter now, take them away."

At this moment I was about to stand up and escape but he quickly caught on. "Freeze."

I gulped. Not daring to turn around. "W-what is it?"

"Turn around. Boy." I can feel his eyes, glaring at the back of my head. 'Wait, boy?'
I very slowly looked behind me only the see the sharp point of the sword right below my chin. I look at the man in front of me.

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