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We clunk our cans together in exitement. It was the day of celebration. The game we've created <Exodius> has finally become popular and is ranked 11th worldwide. So we are getting all out tonight.

"Whoo— can't believe this is happening. Yo, joe, hand me over the whole bottle!"  Evan ordered. Joey hands him the bottle of beer and reminded, "It's JOEY. Not Joe."

Evan shrugs, "Same thing."

"By the way, how's Joe mama?" Joey grunts, "Stop that, its not even funny, the way you said it."

I chuckled.

Everyone is having a fun time. Still, its hard to believe. It started as an indie game , for it to be this popular is somewhat hard to believe. We did make a lot mistakes at first after all. Its our first game.

"So~ dream come true huh?" Cloe said, opening her second can of beer and looked at mine."You're not drinking yours?"

"No... I want to avoid getting drunk." She makes a 'I can't believe this girl' look at me. "Well, you should drink. You're supposed to have fun, not restrain yourself."

'Should I...?' I thought to myself. But image of my father appeared on my mind. Yup, not happening. "Sorry I can't."

She gave a disappointed look. "Come on, just one~" She holds it in front of my face causing my body to tremble. I can't resist alcohol. "Smells nice right?" She smiled.

I feel my hands turn weak. "F-fine... Just one..."

The party has finally ended and its late midnight. I had a fun time at the party with my colleages.Unfortunately, I am drunk.

The city lights shine brightly as the streets are bustling with people. I wobbled through the streets, trying hard not to puke from consuming too much alcohol.

'I should have controlled myself...'

The discomfort in my stomach keeps on getting worse every minute. I slow down my pace to avoid making the process faster. I wouldn't want to embarass myself puking in front of people.

Pressing my hand onto my stomach, I feel myself getting sleepy, my eyes turning hazy. I'm falling asleep.

In all my strength, I pull myself together and try hard to continue on. 'I must reach home... Father would be mad if he knew that I've gotten myself drunk. ' It would be a disgrace if I am drunk then to sleep on the streets. He would totally go bonkers. I sigh at the thought of my troublesome father. I am his only daughter after all, he wants what's best for me. Also,he hates drunk people.

I drag myself as best as I could. The feeling of throwing up getting stronger and stronger. "Please,please,please...'
I kept wishing.

Unknowingly, I brought myself to an unknown alley. "Urgh, damn alcohol..." I smack my head and mutter. Alcohol nulled my sense of direction. It was a dark alley and no one in sight. There's something about it that didn't feel right so I turned around.

"Hello there."

"Waargh!" I screamed. "What the hell!?"

In front of me, a person with black robes and a plague mask on his face asks, "Are you... Mei Xi?"

Still guarded, I answered slowly,
"yeah...? But how do you know my name?" He is suspicious no doubt. I mean, he is wearing a plague mask, how weird is that!

"...22. Virgin.Stayed in America for 3 years and live with your dad , good in martial arts, height 167 cm. weight, 63kg. Bust—"

"Stoop!" I push the guy. "That's it, who are you? How do you know so much!?"
I get into my stance, ready to beat this guy up. He just stand there and not do anything. 'Could he be a stalker?'

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