Chapter 2

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"Hey, aren't you guys supposed to search for the princess?" I asked them as they are about to leave the forest. Clinging onto the bars.

"Captain doesn't like getting involve with the princess." The red haired knight from earlier answered while grinning.

"Oh~ why though?" I ask again. "He seemed so worried about her earlier."

"That's because he is loyal to his highness."

"???" I make a confused face.

"To tell you the truth. One of your comrade that knew about this revealed that the princess planned this herself. She wanted all of you to throw her in the forest then an accomplice will fetch her from there. Ah, our princess sure is playful~." he said then whispers. "she's not really right in here." he points to his head.

"So...they basically died for nothing?" I asked, feeling a bit uneasy. "All because she wanted to have fun and made everyone worry?"

"Yup. I'm sorry on behalf of the rest of the knights that we killed your comrades. But we have no choice. We planned to capture all of u alive." he sneered. "Just next time... Be careful when making a deal to kidnap someone."

I gulped. "Aren't you being too relaxed telling all of this to me?"

"Why not?" He grins. "You'll die soon later anyways."


"But I'm not with them!" I explain. "Also, isn't this part of the princess's schemes!?"

"But you still kidnapped someone right? Kidnapping is a crime. Of course you'll be punished. I mean, you guys agreed to kidnap."

I grit my teeth. "I'm really not..."


"Yes, capt'n?"

"Don't spout nonsense." Reichfold scolds him.

"Of course." he smiles and continue marching. That, was creepy. Something is TERRIBLY wrong.

Reichfold that looks at me blankly. "You won't die. Just punished. We'll let you out of your cell when it's time."

"I TOLD YOU.  I'm not part of it!"

"Explain after you're punished."

I sigh. This is so... Not my day.

After what felt like an eternity, I've finally arrived at the palace. It's. so. huge. I gapped at the wonderful display. Rose bushes are beside the pathway as decorations and the palace walls are made of marbles. There are also some roses carved into the walls which made it look so unique.

'whoa...' I look around in exitement. "excuse me, which kingdom are we in again?" I ask, hoping any one of them could answer the question I've been asking moments ago.

"You are now in the Kingdom of Roselia."

I nod. Then gasps, this is where the heroine and most of the capture targets are! I thought as I try to recall the plot of the otome game. <Garden of Roses>, argh, why didn't I figure it out when there are literally freaking roses all around me!?

The heroine's name is Rosa(another rose...●_●). A commoner. One day she saved a man's son using her well hidden magic. Which is rare light magic. And coincedentally, the man is the headmaster of a prestigious Academy. So she was invited without going through any tests. This, of course, made her famous in both good and bad ways. Some admired her while some, like stuck up nobles and rich kids, are jealous of her. Still, because of her kind and sweet personality, she has captured the capture targets's hearts. And thus her magical and romantic life in the academy. There are 6 capture targets in total.4 main, 2 hidden, which I would explain later on if I ever meet them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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