Chapter 8

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Those few days that Lenalee mentioned, turned out to be weeks. I wasn't happy about it, so when I was waiting, I would go on missions, try to get information in Ryo and eat as much as I can, to make up the days I ate nothing. I was even writing my own journal, like Ryo did and it helped me with my emotions. I would always carry it around, like I would with Ryo's journal.

Right now, I was on my way to Denmark, since Komui's tracker picked up something from a small cabin from the woods. From that little data, I was very positive that Ryo was alive and well. I can't explain the emotions inside of me. They are all happy emotions. I was hoping that Ryo was still there or somewhere near there, I had a strange feeling that it would take a long time to find him. After a few hours, I finally arrived in the town where I could find this cabin in the woods. I walked around town, trying to find a path or something into the woods and when I would ask someone for a way in, they'll get scared and tell me about 'The Black Night' and the way they worded it, it sounded like an akuma, like the one that Ryo attacked before he vanished. When I finally got directions, I took off running into the woods. I found that the woods were quiet, except for the snow, and I found it nice. I knew that Ryo was a loud person, but I also knew that he would love to go or live in a quiet place. I came across a cabin and I went up to it. The lights were off and the door was opened. I didn't see the need if being cautious because I saw this house hasn't had anyone in it for awhile. I went inside to see that place was a little dusty, but I didn't mind. I went to the room that was down the and looked into it. Clothes were scattered in front of the closet.

'Someone left in a hurry.' I thought exiting the room and going to the last room. As I entered, I saw an exorcist coat sprawled on the floor. I picked it up, knowing that the coat belonged to Ryo, since Ryo's coat had almost no white on it and it didn't had a hood or a collar, and his was a button up coat. I hugged the coat. I can't describe how I'm feeling right now. I knew that he was alive, this right here is proof. Now all I have to do was find him. I exited the house and for the first time, noticed tracks from people. There were two tracks and to me, I began to believe Ryo met someone and they let him leave. But why is their another set of tracks? I feared that something had happened and I quickly followed the tracks.

'What if he forgot about me?' I thought.

'No... He would never forget about me or anyone.' I as I followed the tracks, I came across a clearing. I could see akuma parts scattered around. I spotted blood stains in the snow and it made me concern.

'Was he attacked?' I asked myself. I was thinking the person who followed him was an akuma and the akuma attacked him. I didn't know what happened, but I looked around, just in case I could see a body or something, but I found nothing.

'Did he get away?' I found new tracks and followed them, until they stopped and I saw nothing. I looked around and I realized that I was lost and their were no buildings.


Chapter 8 is out!! I hope you guys like this!

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