Chapter 16

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-Ryo's POV-

"Alright.. Which way?"

"That way."

"Over by that worn down building?"


"Okay, tell me if I'm doing it wrong."

"I will."

I watched as he quickly and quietly went over the building. I sensed that there was one akuma hiding in it. I watched as he carefully peeked into the building before drawing his weapon and and disappearing inside. I listened to the explosion that came from the building and after, he came out. I watched as he gave me a thumbs up, which I did the same. I smiled as I watched him deactivate his weapon. But my smile soon faded from my face when I saw a tall person-like akuma appear behind him.


But the akuma didn't listen and I watched as it sliced it's claws at him. I didn't hear the scream, all I heard was the akuma's laugh.


My eyes shot open and I sat up in the bed, tears falling down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes, but the tears kept coming. Allen must of heard the sobs, since he woke up and was now hugging me.

'Why me?' I asked myself.

'First my parents, Luke and now Daniel? Why do I lose people?' I didn't understand what was wrong with me. Was I really what the Earl said I would be? Am I cursed? The thoughts kept me crying and no matter what Allen said, I wouldn't stop. I didn't know when I stopped, but when I came too, I was in Allen's arms. He was sleeping. I realized that I cried myself to sleep. I blinked several times, before carefully sitting up. Allen must of not wanted me to sit up, since he tugged on my shirt, signaling me to lay down. I stared at him for moment, before laying next to him. I saw that Allen gave a smile and he wrapped his arms around me. I knew I needed to sleep, since we had a ways to go until we are at the order. I gave a small sigh and I closed my eyes.

When I woke up, I saw that Allen was gone. At first I panicked, but then I realized that he left a note. I picked it up and opened it.

I'll be out getting something to eat before we go. Make sure you get plenty of rest.

I love you
- Allen

I smiled at the letter and slipped out of the bed. I went to my room and changed into a new outfit and packed up, before heading over to Allen's room to grab my cape-like hood. I put it on, since I didn't want to get the looks I got last night. I pulled the hoodie over my head and made my way downstairs to the table room. As I entered the room, the same few men, that gave me the looks, were sitting at the tables. I blinked several times before I sat at the table that was the farthest away from them. Shoving my hand in my pocket, I pulled out the note that Allen left for me. I read the note a few times over again, before I sensed something strange. I looked up and one of the men was standing almost next to him. I kept my face hidden, but I stared at him. He gave a smile.

"So, your the Black Knight... May I have your name?"

I continued to stare at him, but I didn't say anything. The man frowned and he moved closer to me. I was suddenly getting really bad vibe from him and I stood up and attempted to slip past him and leave, but he blocked my path. I gave low growl and once again attempted to leave, but he once again blocked my path.

"You better move," I say.

"Oh! It talks!"

'It?!' I thought. Before I knew it, I was suddenly against the wall and the man was staring at me, the same lustful look in his eyes. I growled when grabbed me. I couldn't find the courage to tell him to stop. I heard laughing from the other men and that made the tears come.

"Hey, stop."

I recognized the voice and I was happy. It was Allen. The man looked at him and smiled.

"Is this yours?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Yes he is, now give him back," Allen said.

"Oh, it's a boy...."

The man looked at me for moment. He shrugged and looked at Allen again.

"He's mine now."

I didn't take the chance if the man touching me again, so gave him a hard kick in the leg. The man growled and I quickly grabbed my bag and went over to Allen. Allen grabbed my hand and we raced out of the inn.

Chapter 16 is out!!


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