Chapter 4: A Rebellion Is Growing

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It had been three days since me and my friends decided to tell no one about the supercomputer and people started refusing to do work, unless the conditions were better but they just get themselves a detention. People started talking about a hidden rebelion, bent on saving these people from more suffering. Honestly I didn't belive it one bit, it seems too coincidental. I heard knocking at my dorm door and I walked up and opened it

"Yeah wha-" they slid a letter under the door and ran off

"Huh what's this?" I grabbed the letter and opened it up

To the eyes of Thomas only
Meet me outside the dorn at 1:00 tomorrow morning sharp

"It's 12:58 now, I'd better get moving" I got into a hoodie and long pants and checked the camera's

"Guards don't seem to be awake so I'm running" I crept into the hallway and ran outside to find a person leaning against the door and I walked up to them

"Okay, who are you?" I asked

"So you accepted the invitation" the person replied

"There's a change in the winds and we're going to force that change back to when you could see your parents after school" the person turned to face me

"Come to my dorm, we'll continue to discus this and I'd rather be inside instead of in this freezing weather" the person followed me back to my dorm

"Listen I don't know what you want with me but I've got an intention to not fail" I replied, flopping onto my bed

"Your friend Mitch says otherwise" I sat up and looked at the person

"What do you want from me?" I sighed

"To join the rebelion"

"Is this a game?" I flopped back onto the bed

"No, you're the best computer person in the school"

"That's Will"

"Hacker Tom, hacker" I sat back up and decided to agree on it

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked, setting up my computer

"Every now and again we will send you coded documents, it'll be your job to decode them" the person removed their hood

"And before you ask, I'm the same person you took on a tour today" Emma leaned against the wall. I smiled at loaded up a decoding program. I fell back asleep and awoke in the morning with a note tapped to my door

The first set of documents will come at period 1, be ready. Burn this note after you've read it with the lighter attached to this note
Rebellion leader, Emma

I took the note down and the lighter and burned the note to ashed and kicked said ashes into the bin. I got dressed and headed to my first class which was English. Unfortunately we had the worst teacher at the school teaching us for English, I groaned and walked in. About halfway through the class, I got a message from some random person

D34r h4ck3r
1 w1ll b3 dr0p1ng 0ff th3 u5b,
l00k f0r 4 p3rs0n w1th 4 r3d b34n13 4nd 4 blu3 t sh1rt
Dr0p 0ff n0t1c3.

I looked around the room for a red beanie and a blue shirt. The person left of me fit said description so I went up to him

"Hey do you have the game I rented you?" I winkied to him and he handed me the usb

"Sure here" I moved my hand into my pocket and moved back to my seat.

"Hey we've got an attack" Will tapped my shoulder and I messaged Cameron and Mitch that we've got an attack. I got out of my seat, snuck out of class and headed to the elevator. I went down to the supercomputer and moved over to the pods and waited for the others. Will got here second and started up the computer.

"I'm going to virtualize you Tom" he was typing away and I got virtualized into Lyoko. I found myself surrounded by multiple monsters so I jumped oit of the circle and stabbed one of the monsters and threw kunai at five of them. I grabbed my sword and threw it at another one before getting shot in the leg

"You might want to dodge the bullets" will suggested

"Yeah no duh" I threw more kunai at another five monsters and headed towards the tower. A person dropped in front of me

"If your trying to cosplay cloud from final fantasy you've got it all wrong" I tried to walk around him but he blocked my way

"You mind?" I tried to run around him but he caught up to me.

"Tom, that's William, he's possessed by XANA" Jeremie warned me

"My friend will?"

"No he's from our verson of Lyoko"

"Good to know" I pulled out my blade and slached at him but he blocked all my attacks and slice me but I used a smoke bomb and warped behind him.

"You need to learn how NOT to suck in combat" I slice at him but he warped away. I could tell he was behind me so I stabbed backwards and he was stabbed in the symbol, he de virtualized and I went to the tower but the land started disappearing from beneath me.

"Uhh, you guys, the grounds disappearing" I started running

"Xana must of entered his code and the region is being deleted, I'll De virtualize you" Will said, typing away. The ground disappeared and I started falling towards an ocean

"Can you hurry it up, I'm going to freaking die!" I yelled

"Working on it" Will replied.

"This is jow I'm going to die huh, falling into whatever is below me. I lived a good life, the only thing I regret is not getting a girlfriend" I thought to myself, I closed my eyes and hopped for the good. I had Re-opened my eyes to see me standing in one of the pods. I walked out to see Will standing there

"Thank god you got out" he breathed a sigh of relief

"Yeah lucky me huh" I replied, I walked to the elevator and went up. I walked back to my dorm, opened the door and went onto my computer. I plugged the usb in and I loaded up the decoding program. After it had decoded it all, I loaded up the document and saw a invitation to a party

Dear person
If you've been given this you are invited to a party for the cool kids only, tomorrow after 7pm sharp
Dorm 30.

I decided to print the invitation in case they had a bouncer on duty, my dorm was dorm 50 and I was alone.

"Well I've got a party to attend to" I readied my hoodie

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