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It started as a spill.

No one knew who was behind it, but a chemical spill in the ocean contaminated all water source for everyone. And later, it evaporated to the air for us to breathe in. People got sick and became weak. To weak to even stand on their own. 

Wars between nations broke out on who was to blame for The Spill and people suffered greatly.

Then one day it was as if everyone was cured. People went back to work and schools. Life became normal...and then an illusion.

Over half the population then gained abilities: powers. And some used them poorly. They inflicted pain on innocent, believing that they were given their power as God's gift to rule over. To rebuild the world how it was meant to be. A new generation arose; the Gen Mutants.

Because of that, the nations rulers blocked and sealed every area with major Spill damage. The ARF was formed to hunt them down, and rid of the disease.

Of course they called it that. When you fear something, you give it such a undermining name, so as to better please yourself.

Many Gen Mutants fought back, others ran and were forced into hiding. Families were torn and blood was shed.

The Spill happened 4 years ago. And ARF is closing in on the remaining Mutants.

At least...they think.

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