Civil Issues

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The next day when the commander woke up, he realized that he was not in his shared room with Bismarck and Tirpitz.

"...Huh? Where am I?" The commander mumbles. That's when he notices the mess of brunette hair just besides him and the all too familiar fox ears, and he needs nothing more as the owner of these features rolls over to face him.

"Ah commander, you're awake." Akagi giggles.

"Akagi... Why am I in your room?" The commander asks.

"I was feeling lonely and I don't share a room with Kaga." Akagi replies.

"Well... That doesn't mean you sneak me out of my room." The commander says as he gets up to get out, but Akagi pulls him back in with her tails.

"You know, when I first saw you I saw how mighty and valiant you were, and if I'm being honest I think I've fallen for you..." Akagi says dreamily.

"Huh?!" The commander asks in disbelief.

"I can already imagine our wedding ceremony, oh I would die from sheer joy!" Akagi rambles on, loud enough that a pair of battleships walk in to see what the commotion is about.

"Commander?!" Bismarck asks. "What are you doing in Akagi's room?!"

"I could be asking the same question!" The commander replies as Akagi lets him go.

"I'm sorry, was I too loud?" Akagi asks innocently.

"That's not what we came here for. Why is the commander in your room? He has no recall of walking in there, voluntarily." Tirpitz asks right back. "And would you please let him go?"

"Oh alright." Akagi replies as she releases the commander and he rushes over to Bismarck once again. Once everything's been dealt with Tirpitz shuts the door and the commander emerges from hiding.

"I don't know if I can handle any more of these hijinks of theirs..." The commander mumbles, and Bismarck puts a hand on his shoulder.

"If you can take out one of the strongest carriers with those weapons of yours, I doubt there's anything you can't handle." Bismarck chuckles. "Now come on, we were just about to get breakfast."

"I'll gladly join you two." The commander says as they head down to the mess hall. Atago looks at the commander for a few seconds before she looks away, and Roon does more or less the same thing. As the trio find a spot though Friedrich, Z23 and Köln sit across from them.

"You look a little shaken commander, are you okay?" Z23 asks.

"We noticed that he wasn't in the room with us. Turns out Akagi snuck him into her room." Bismarck replies.

"She what?!" Köln asks in disbelief.

"Seems like she couldn't get enough of you or your firepower..." Friedrich mumbles. Meanwhile Scharnhorst and Gneisenau are talking with the Sakura Empire girls, and they too find out what Akagi did.

"You better not have pulled anything on the commander." Scharnhorst says.

"Don't worry! I didn't do anything." Akagi replies. "You don't have to hound me like this."

"Sounds like she's already getting her just desserts." The commander chuckles. "I don't think I'll have to worry." As everyone starts to dig in though, the land shakes, and everyone gets on their feet.

"An earthquake?!" Kaga asks.

"I doubt it. I heard something else." Takao replies as everyone rushes out to the docks to see what just hit them. "I shouldn't be surprised at this point."

"Me either." The commander says.

"Who's the one that put a hole in my sisters' hulls?!" A very angry Yorktown yells out. "Show yourself!"

"And who's the one that crippled the queen?! As her royal guard I shall not let it slip by!" A royal battleship shouts. She sports long blonde hair, is dressed like a knight, and could easily be mistaken for a corgi.

"I never thought I would see old lady Warspite out here." Atago laughs. "Taking revenge for your almighty queen?"

"I can see why you two get along so well." Roon says tauntingly, infuriating the knight.

"Wow, did we really make you that mad?" Akagi chuckles. "Just so you know, you lost to a rabbit, that's right a rabbit. And you call yourself mighty?"

"Oh that does it!" Yorktown shouts.

"Why you- YOU TAKE BACK THOSE WORDS BEFORE I BLAST YOUR HEAD OFF!" Warspite suddenly screams. "All ships attack!"

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