Moment Of Silence

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With the commander still in the infirmary, the Sakura Empire saw fairly little activity as everyone does what they can to kill time besides thinking about attacking the Azur Lane.

"In a state like this we're not in the best condition to attack." Kaga says. "I didn't think them taking out the commander would do something like this to us."

"I don't think anyone saw it coming." Roon says. "That was probably the first time we've seen him take a hit."

"And I think we've forgotten how different he is from us." Friedrich replies. "Only a quarter ship..."

"Let's not dwell on it too much." Akagi says. "We all need to recover, not just him." Suddenly Akagi looks out to the docks to see a heavily injured Queen Elizabeth and none other than Belfast emerge. "You certainly look like you've had better days."

"You tell me..." Elizabeth mumbles. Her crown has been haphazardly placed on her head, her dress has various tears and none of her guns seem to be working. "Now where's the person that did this to me?"

"You're still angry about that?" Köln asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Elizabeth replies. "Now do something Belfast!"

"Right." Belfast says but when she attempts to fire upon the carriers, nothing happens. "Huh?"

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth asks. "Something wrong?"

"What the..." Belfast replies. "My guns jammed..."

"They were working just fine before..." Elizabeth says. "So it couldn't possibly be something you guys did..."

"We can assure you that we did not harm or do anything to Belfast." Akagi replies. "If we did do something you would have noticed straight away."

"Fair point." Elizabeth says. "Well that was for naught. Let's head back and see what happened."

"Right." Belfast replies as the two Royal Navy ships head back.

"...What was all that about?" Bismarck asks as she and Tirpitz walk over.

"Belfast just tried to attack us, and then her guns jammed." Roon replies.

"Weird." Tirpitz says as she and Bismarck decide to check up on the commander, heading to the repair bays with some of the other girls in tow.

"How's everything going?" Bismarck asks one of the repairmen.

"Slowly but steadily making progress." The repairman replies. "We'll let you know when you can talk to him, or if you leave, let us know and we'll transfer him over to Ironblood territory."

"Thanks." Bismarck says as she heads back to her room with Tirpitz and the others go off to do their own thing.

"I'm sure he'll be alright." Tirpitz says reassuringly, gently rubbing her sister's back.

"We're really close, but still whenever you went back home he was the only one I would really talk to." Bismarck replies. "He was always there for me when I needed to vent, he was always there if I was feeling down. He knew how to make my day, and if I'm being honest I think I might be..." She trails off and Tirpitz decides not to pry any further.

"Well, having spent so much time with him, I almost kinda expected it." Tirpitz chuckles. "Just go with what your heart tells you."

"Thanks." Bismarck replies.

"It's getting to be around noon. What do you say we get some lunch?" Tirpitz asks, and Bismarck nods in response as the two sisters head to an eatery within the Sakura Empire and see that Atago and Takao are helping run the place.

"Almost reminds me of how Eugen would help out in that tavern we always ate at." Bismarck chuckles.

"We have to make some sort of money somehow." Atago giggles. "Let me show you to your seats."

"Vielen danke." Bismarck says as the two follow the heavy cruiser.

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