chapter 5: DA Capture

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The DA meeting was chaotic and took over an hour for the various members to make their way into the Room of Requirement between escaping their common rooms and avoiding the teachers and Filch.

Hermione finally had to us a noise making spell to get them all to quiet down. She was unusually flanked by the twins and Susan Bones as the only other people who knew what was going on. Ron had been in the middle of a lovely nap so was as clueless as the rest of the DA.

"We have some announcements to make and before anyone asks, yes this is about what happened to Harry and anyone not here will be told separately," Hermione informed them as she watched them all settle down into their room provided cushions. "Right, now that everyone is comfortable Harry has gotten into trouble again, the kind of trouble that stopped the Basilisk in our second year and dealt with the tournament last year. If you're just here to be taught DADA you're free to go, just leave your coins on the table because you don't want anything to do with what's happened and what we plan to do about it."

A few people took her advice and left their coins on the table next to the door as they walked out. The moment the door shut behind the last person everyone felt the room add several more silencing and privacy charms as the door disappeared completely.

"First, I had to tell Harry about the fact I established the DA under his Lordship authority a few hours ago so everyone who was waiting for that can relax. Second, Harry collapsed last night because eight people screwed up a ritual that caught both Harry and Professor Snape up in the magic. The teachers have given us permission to capture those eight idiots and bring them to one of the Heads of House to be punished. As a part of this botched ritual Harry has become a Living Vampire and has claimed Professor Snape as his Anchor. I will be compiling a pamphlet with all the other relevant vampire information to hand out but be warned that if you hurt Professor Snape you're answering to Harry and he is within his rights to kill you. Third, we may have managed to get rid of Umbridge but it includes bringing down Fudge so keep your mouths shut in case it doesn't work. Fourth... Harry's asked for a meeting with You-Know-Who to discuss a truce," Hermione told them as she waited for the resultant uproar to calm. She had purposefully left the meeting for last because she knew they would react this way. Finally the twins had to forcefully bring order for her to continue.

"There are special reasons behind Harry asking to talk to him and some of them include keeping you lot safe," Hermione informed them scornfully, disappointed that they hadn't at least waited to hear why and immediately jumped to the word traitor. "If he and the teachers can get a treaty signed than the school will be safe! Safe enough to maybe bring your families here and out of this bloody war!"

That shut up a lot of people. Making Hogwarts a safe haven for more than just the students they could definitely understand.

"Now this is the same deal as before, you can walk away with the secrecy spells keeping you quite free and clear or you can stay and help. Now that Harry is aware of the laws I established the DA under there are a few more options and any member of the DA can openly ask him if they can serve in his household. A household which we will be building from the ground up. I will be arranging most of it partly because Harry doesn't have the information he needs yet and partly because that's what I'm good at. Ron, as our grand chess master will be in charge of any combat assignments if we go into a fight. Susan is our legal Judge and liason with the Aurors through her aunt. The twins are our spymasters, which means you bring any interesting rumors and ideas to them," Hermione told them, setting out the leadership with a quick efficiency that put many a Ravenclaw to shame.

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