chapter 27: Thoughts of the Chastised

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Lucius was furious. He had never felt so humiliated in his entire life. Yes, he probably should have waited until they got back to try cornering Severus and made sure that the upstart half blood understood he belonged to Lucius and had since the man took him under his wing. Severus would pay for humiliating him during the contract signing. He would so enjoy watching both the Potions Master and the Potter brat realize that they would never see each other again, even if he had to give the brat over to Dumbledore to do it. Breaking Severus would be so sweet, and all the sweeter if he could make him watch as that rabid wolf Greyback broke his precious little Potter.

The Malfoy Lord had apparated back early, partly to avoid more censure by the Dark Lord and partly to set the plan in motion. Dumbledore had convinced him that he would punish the Potter brat better than the unrefined brutality of anything Greyback might attempt. So a deal had been struck, Dumbledore would get Potter and Lucius would get Severus. The Dark Lord didn't even factor in except that if he happened to be caught in their trap the idiots were to either kill him or knock him out. If they found themselves with an unconscious Dark Lord, well enough he could either die or be given to Bella as a pet, if not then there was no loss.

A quick word to the mixed group of order members and Death Eaters loyal to Lucius that was waiting in ambush before allowing himself to be knocked out and tied up was all it took. He had even assured his place as both innocent victim and villain with a polyjuiced proxy allowing freedom of movement on all sides. Lucius had never expected more than thirty wizards and witches of decent skill to fail, yet that is what happened. They not only failed the majority fell to house elves of all things! Honestly, one could not find good help these days.

Then there was the sheer indignity of waking up practically kissing Sirius Black of all people, horrendous prankster and shame of purebloods everywhere. They were even covered in muck of some sort Lucius was not prepared to speculate on. Of course Lucius had expressed displeasure but then the ghastly tripe he could taste on his tongue that most mudbloods enjoyed called firewhiskey started to kick in. Black's yell was deafening and nothing like the response of any true pureblood. Admittedly getting into a drunken fist fight and stumbling into a servants area such as the kitchen didn't show him in the best of light but still!

Then there was the battle, a short battle that reminded him very forcefully why he chose to follow in his father's foot steps and swear his loyalty to the Dark Lord. The sheer power and the intoxicating affect of the man's magic was still awe inspiring. Lucius kept silent during the discussion, deciding to play insensate even though he wasn't in much condition to do much than sit on Black in any case. This... prank didn't weaken his driving need to possess and break the stubborn Damphyr but it did drive home that both Potter and the Dark Lord would be greater obstacles then they had all originally thought. The trip via properly bound house elf to St. Mungoes was an unexpectedly welcome relief. He would have the time to think before he once more risked any move that might destroy the Malfoy line.

Sirius Black, Padfoot, Marauder and godfather to the heir of the Marauders could not believe what he was hearing from the group outside his room. Yes, he probably should be asleep from being dropped by that stupefy but with how many times he'd been nailed by one sent by Lily he'd built up a slight resistance to the magic. Thankfully that resistance had actually lessened the post spell headache that accompanied the otherwise harmless spell. That resistance had come in seriously handy during Auror training.

Oh, he loved a good prank and he was proud as punch that Harry his godson and blood adopted son/heir was willing to prank him but the belief that he would succeed, now that would not stand. A quick decision had him tossing on a light house robe and hiding behind the door, a quickly cast spell would prevent the door from slamming him. The moment the door swung open he charged, planning on a playful tackle of whoever came through first. When he saw Snape of all people the mid-air startled pause spelled his doom. The dumbfounded look that crossed his face was all the pause it took for his old enemy to catch him with a stunner, sending the world into blackness.

When he woke, to his horror and pride he was tied to the bed covered in... *lick* marmalade and jelly while positioned to be practically kissing Lucius Malfoy of all people. How his Prongslet had managed to get the old stiff bastard in past the Fidelus spell was a wonder to him. Of course the immediate fury at seeing the "note" on the wall sort of dampened that pride resulting in the bellow that even the neighbors probably heard. By then the firewhiskey was kicking in and Malfoy was making threats on what he would do to whoever had pulled the prank.

Of course Sirius knew who had pulled it and he couldn't let the insults to his son and heir stand... so he slugged the black skinned bastard even as he admired the pink and blue patterns someone had drawn with the color changing charm. He made a mental note to use the transfiguration of the ears and the skin color change in a future prank when Malfoy managed to slug him. The muggle fist fight was glorious, and they even managed to destroy a few of his mother's favorite pottery pieces while bringing down more than one portrait she had liked. Sirius loved it!

It wasn't until they managed to stumble into the kitchen that he remembered why he had been angry and the fire returned to his temper. Unfortunately the blond bastard had managed to land on top of him so he couldn't grab Harry up and turn him over his knee before doing his damnedest to break whatever hold Snivellus had on him. Dumbledore's attempt to effectively kidnap Harry though, that had been a bit of a revelation.

Sirius was almost greatful to be left alone with Kreacher in Grimmauld place if only so that he could better sort out how he felt with this new information. He would have to get in touch with Harry later but that was later. Maybe he should actually try for that mind healer appointment that Arthur and Molly had been pressing him about? Yeah, once he's cleaned up he'll have Kreacher go ask St. Mungoes about a mind healer. Hell, if the elf managed to successfully hire a decent mind healer he'd let the little bastard choose who he was given to when Sirius hired a new personal elf. If nothing else it would keep the little bugger out of trouble and stop reminding him of his perfect dark heir brother, Regulus. That's when he realized that they had gotten pictures of his undignified earlier position and condition. Sirius quickly started plotting his revenge, absently sending Kreacher off to look into mind healers at St. Mungoes.

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