chapter 16: Diagon Alley

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Severus woke to find himself face down being thoroughly fucked by a horny living vampire as their red eyed mate snickered off to one side. Harry's hands were everywhere as he pounded into the Damphyr, nibbling all along the back of Severus' neck and collar bone, teasing his sensitive nipples mercilessly. Both of them enjoying the moans and gasps that practically set their libidos on fire, instinctively urging Harry to go harder, faster. It wasn't long before they both came, relaxing into the afterglow as Harry collapsed on top of Severus and trapping him on the bed, cock still deep in his ass.

"Well, now that's an interesting way of waking up," Voldemort said amusement dancing in his voice before turning serious. "Severus, you need to look at me and drop your shields."

Severus reluctantly obeyed, biting back a whine as he hoped like hell that his new status as one of the man's mates kept him from being killed. Voldemort gently shuffled through Severus' mind and memories. He wasn't happy with how often they showed that Severus had disobeyed him in the past. However, considering that he was insane at the time and the balancing act that was a basic part of a spy's profession it was amazing that everything had turned out so well. Finally dropping the Legilimency spell Voldemort sighed and considered his mates carefully, staring off into space with a look of intense concentration while he reviewed the facts. Twenty minutes into his brooding Harry's quiet crooning brought his attention back to reality and pointed out the fact that Severus was shivering in obvious fear. Frowning in concern Voldemort dragged both of them into his lap and wrapped around them protectively as they all cuddled.

"Severus, stop it. I'm not going to kill you and I'm not going to torture you, well at least not the way you're probably thinking. There's a reason I looked at the pre-existing circumstances and such in your memories that would affect your decisions. I am also not blind to what is needed in the job I asked you to do, nor am I insane any longer. What little punishment you will receive will be relatively light and without pain, though I'm not certain you'll agree," Voldemort said with an evil smirk as he cuddled his mates close, thinking lustfully about all of the toys he would be getting in Diagon Alley.

"Silly Sev'rus," Harry slurred happily as he cuddled further into both of them, enjoying the afterglow as he tried to sooth his still worried anchor. He wiggled a little bit, delighting in the warmth and small gasp that came from still being buried balls deep in his anchor.

"Once you are both properly awake we'll go and get those wardrobes. While having you both wearing my clothes makes me very happy I did promise you both new robes and I gathered that you would both rather have a larger choice of attire," Voldemort said dryly, enjoying Harry's small movement as much as his mates had and wondering if he shouldn't join them in the shower. "Its not like I'm letting you simply walk away without consequences."

"That's part of what I'm afraid of," Severus muttered, cuddling Harry close as he finally started to calm down.

They took the time to wash before dressing in their borrowed clothes for the trip into Diagon Alley. Voldemort smirked smugly practically the entire time as they flooed directly from the suite into the Leaky Cauldron. Harry wasn't that surprised that they got stared at and surprised both of his mates with his grumbling about hero worship and idiot sheeple as they quickly made their way through the lunch crowd to the portal. Harry insisted on going to Gringotts to get money from his vault even though Voldemort had flatly told both of them that he was paying.

"Look, I can pay for it myself," Harry argued back as they walked down the Alley, doing their best to stay near each other in the shopping crowds.

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