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"Have you seen her face?
Her eyes reflect the colors in the sky
A warm familiar place
To be swept into whenever she's close by
Makes me wonder why"
-Have You Seen Her Face, the Byrds

*Jimmy ends up drunk again, and Hailey has to put up with him, only for it to be a tiring experience.*

please note that i am NOT trying to romanticize drinking. i just put it in this chapter for humor, because, being drunk can sometimes be funny and funny things can happen, and i experienced this from dealing with my family...lmao.

Hailey was sitting down on the bed in her room, drawing as usual while listening to music. So far, she had made some good progress, and was nearly done. She was about to start coloring her drawing, until she heard something. It sounded like clattering.

What the...?

Hailey put down her supplies and opened the door. The sounds seemed to be coming from downstairs.

Huh. Might as well investigate.

Hailey started heading down the stairs, looking around.

"What's going on?" She asked. She wasn't answered.

Hailey started wandering around the house, until she reached the kitchen. There was an empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the floor.

Oh God.

Instantly starting to get an idea about what had happened, Hailey decided that she had to look for Jimmy. The clattering noises weren't coming from the kitchen, but somewhere else.

To her dismay, the noises ended up stopping, preventing her from being able to continue her search for the source of the noises. Then, a few moments later, the only sound Hailey could hear was distant...laughter?

Confused, Hailey started looking around the house, trying to find the source of the laughter. Then, her search was completed once she decided to check out the basement. The light was on, so she was able to clearly see what was going on.

Jimmy was on the floor...laughing.

Wow, he's really drunk.

"Jimmy? Are you...okay?" Hailey asked, walking over to Jimmy, who was still laughing. A half-empty bottle of Jack with the cap on was laying next to him. Jimmy seemed to not be paying any attention to her at all, but his laughing had started to stop.

Hailey's attention was then casted to the broken glass laying here and there on the floor. She decided to clean it up, and once she was done, she headed back to Jimmy.

"Okay, you're drunk." Hailey said, looking at Jimmy. "Like, really drunk, otherwise you wouldn't be on the floor laughing about nothing."

"Eric and Jeffie were here." Jimmy answered, a slur detectable in his voice. "We were...joking around...yea. Joking around."

What the hell?

Hailey felt even more confused, until her mind traveled back to her father.

Ah, yes. Drunken hallucinations.

You Shook Me (Sequel to Living Loving Maid) Where stories live. Discover now