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"I'm looking for loving
And I'd like to stay
I'm hoping you'll want me
And show me the way
Touch me and give me sight
You are the queen of my night"
-Queen Of My Nights by the Blues Magoos

*Robert and Jimmy return to Plumpton, only to notice Hailey's unconscious body laying in the kitchen floor.*

this chapter will be told in robert's pov only.

Robert smiled as he guided Jimmy over to his car. Jimmy seemed happy to be out of the hospital, and it was nice seeing him alive and back to normal.

"Well, I bet you're glad to be out of the hospital." Robert commented. "Guarantee it wasn't fun being there for about a week."

Jimmy laughed a little. "It wasn't fun, I'll admit."

Then, Jimmy's expression changed once he and Robert got into the car.

"Is...is Hailey doing okay? How has she been doing?"

Robert swallowed nervously. "She hasn't been taking you being gone too well. Day one, she didn't handle it. I remember her just sobbing when she saw you unconscious."

Jimmy's face started to turn paler than it was. He started to look worried, and his worry didn't make Robert feel any better. Things seemed to go from happy to pure worry very quickly.

"We...we need to get back to Plumpton as soon as possible." Jimmy said. "Goddamnit, now I'm fucking worried."

"I...I bet she's alright, Jimmy. She'll be overjoyed when she sees you."

"Honestly, I'll be overjoyed too. I was constantly thinking about her, and now I feel awful."

Robert sighed. "Jimmy, whatever you do, don't pull that shit off again."

"I won't. I promise."


Once Robert got the car started, his main focus was getting Jimmy home. He was beginning to feel increasingly worried about Hailey, knowing her current condition.

"Percy, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. What do you mean?"

"You just seem worried. Is something wrong?"

Robert drew in a shaky breath. "Yeah, something's wrong."

"What...what's wrong?"

"Hailey's fucking depressed, man. She's worrying me. Jonesy and Bonzo are worried, too."

Robert eyed the speedometer, and realized he was going a little bit faster than usual. He didn't realize how worried he was until now.

Good thing I'm not going too fast.

The only thing on Robert's mind at the moment was heading to Plumpton and making sure Hailey was okay. Ever since he had seen her in her room with alcohol, he didn't trust her being not observed anymore.


It seemed like only a minute to get to Plumpton, and once Robert and Jimmy had arrived, Robert hurried out of the car.

"I should've fucking told her I was going to be picking you up. She still thinks you're not around, and I think she's gone suicidal."

Robert noticed Jimmy pause once Robert said the word "suicidal". Before Robert could even start heading towards the house, Jimmy bolted to the front door, and within moments, he was inside the house. Robert hurried after him, and once Robert headed inside the house, Jimmy was standing in the kitchen. Bonzo and Jonesy were keeping their distance, making sure not to be close to Jimmy. They seemed almost afraid of him.


Jimmy didn't answer.

Robert, deciding to investigate himself, went to stand by Bonzo and Jonesy, and then he was able to see why Jimmy was standing there, not saying a thing.

Hailey was unconscious on the floor, a full bottle of vodka laying by her, while an empty bottle of Jack Daniel's and beer stood on the counter next to each other. Robert felt his heart stop.

Then, Jimmy broke, falling to the floor, before starting to cry.

"This...this wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to be like this. We...we're supposed to be together. I'm s-sorry."

Jimmy then seemed to notice Bonzo, Jonesy, and Robert's presence. He turned around to look at all of them, his eyes clouded with tears.

"Are you all just going to stand there and watch her die?"

Robert watched as Jonesy went to the phone.

"Jimmy, it's going to be okay." Robert said, heading over to Jimmy. "Hailey won't die. I promise."

"You don't understand, Robert." Jimmy said, his voice breaking. "I can't...I can't go on without her. I'm never leaving her again. If she dies—"

"You're not going away any time soon, Jimmy. Hailey's going to be alright. Once she gets to the hospital, she'll be better. Everything's going to be alright."

"How do you know?" Jimmy asked challengingly.

"Jimmy, relax. Take a deep breath. You need to calm down. Hailey is going to be taken care of."

Jimmy did what Robert told him and took a deep breath in an effort to calm himself down.

"When Hailey's at the hospital, I'm staying with her the entire time. I'm not leaving her. I can't do it."


Robert had decided to go visit Hailey in the hospital once she had been taken there, and once he had showed up to her room, Jimmy was there, asleep on the couch by the bed. Robert couldn't tell if Hailey was unconscious still or asleep, but figured she was unconscious. Jimmy seemed to sense Robert's presence, and his eyes opened.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just figured that I might as well check up on Hailey too. I consider her a friend, after all. Anyways, is she unconscious or asleep?"

Jimmy sighed. "She's still unconscious, but alive, at least."

A small smile formed on Robert's face. "See? I told you she'd be okay. It's great that she survived."

Tears started forming in Jimmy's eyes again. "Yeah, that's good, but it was terrible when she arrived. She...she had to get her stomach pumped because of all the alcohol she had in her system."

"How much was in her system?" Robert asked.

"It was...it was a lot." Jimmy answered, his voice breaking a little. "It was fucking awful."

"Don't start getting yourself worked up again, Pagey. She's okay now, and there's no need to start crying again."

"I just...I just feel terrible." Jimmy said. "I feel like this is all my fault. I didn't know this would happen to her."

Robert shook his head. "It's really my fault. I should've told her I was going to bring you home instead of intending to surprise her. I didn't realize how bad of a condition she was in."

"It's...it's not your fault."

Robert's small smile returned. "Well, I guess I'm glad you think so."

Then, he looked up at the clock. "Anyways, I should probably head back now. Bonzo, Jonesy, and I will be staying at Plumpton until Hailey's ready to go back. When she is, I'll come back to pick you two up."

"Alright. See you later."

Robert waved goodbye and headed out, and left the hospital. He was glad to know Hailey was alive, and hoped that after this, she would be back to her normal self and not feeling as upset.

anyways you shook me is actually going to probably be the shortest fanfiction i've written because i just have zero ideas for any future chapters once this whole thing is over. there's only going to be one more chapter left and then the epilogue.

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