The junkyard

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The picture is her hair if you are wondering, beacuse she is wearing the same outfit. a/n


"Oh yeah this will do, this will do just fine. Good call dude." Steve and Dustin poured all the meat that was left into a big pile " I SAID MEDIUM WELL!" Lucas waved side by side with Max, what was she doing here? 

"Who's that?" Dustin just looked at her deeply "That's MadMax" I whispered. 

Dustin's POV

"You told her?!" "so what?" Lucas and I were hiding behind a rusty old car " So what?!" "you wanted to tell her too!" "yeah but I didn't-" "but you told your sister" " it was a live or die situation, and also... we all agreed not to tell her and look for Dart" "who you inconveniently found" "are you suggesting that I'm lying?!", "I'm saying, that you have a creepy little bond with him" "that was before he turned into a demogorgon!" "and you haven't heard from Mike?" "no" "or Will?" " no!" "Hopper?" "No! Noone is arond why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington?" "don't forget Evelyn" " something's wrong" "I agree that's why we nees as mush help as we can get..." We turned to look at Max "she didn't belive me anyway" "probably you didn't tell it right" "that must be it, so we're good?" "Hey! Dickheads, howcome the only ones helping me out are Evelyn and this random girl? We lose like 40 minutes let's go!" Steve interrupted us, "let's go, I said!" "alright asshole!" "stupid!".

Evelyn's POV

After a while we were still working on the bus, so Steve and I started pouring gasoline all over the place. When we finished, we all waited inside the bus, but Lucas climbed up the stairs to keep a watch.

 "And you are like totally a hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?" Max asked "Shit. Don't be an idiot, okay? It wasn't a bear" we were all shocked by his response " why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home" "someone's cranky, past your bed time?" she replied walking up the stairs. "That's good, just show her you don't care" Steve just said " I don't" "that's not good, that's not the way you treat a girl, okay!? Don't listen to him" he just looked at me with a guilty look and mouthed " i'm sorry" and then he winked at me for no reason"Why are you winking Steve? Stop" My brother said thinking it was for him.

Suddenly we heard a not so calming noise, and we got close to the window. " You see him?" "no" we both answered, "Lucas! What's going on?!" "HOLD ON!...I'VE GOT EYES! TEN O'CLOCK!" the three of us turned our heads in that direction "there" I said pointing at the demogorgon, "what's he doing?" "I don't know, he's not taking the bait why is he not taking the bait?" "maybe he's not hungry" "maybe he's sick of cow". 

Then, Steve walked back "Steve? Steve, what are you doing?" " Where do you think you're going?"  I was starting to get worried "Just get ready". At that moment I grabbed his arm, turned him around, and kissed him truly meaning something. When we separated our lips, he looked at me, took his bat, and walked slowly out the door. Dustin was looking at me weirdly "I did not want to see that" "Oh shut up", after that akward moment, we both ran to the window. Steve swung his bat around "c'mon buddy".

"What's he doing "Max appeard beside me out of nowhere" Crap! You scared me!" " sorry" "expanding the menu" I smacked his head at that sentence. The demogorgon started approaching him, "he's insane" "he's awesome" "he's gonna die". He kept a straight posture, but I could see he was scared, "STEVE! WATCH OUT!", all of a sudden Lucas started screaming "little busy here!" "THREE O'CLOCK! THREE O'CLOCK!". That was when we all realized what was coming, so,  Dustin opened the door "Steve! Abort!" " Get out of there! ", he started dodging and hitting the "dogs", "Run! Steve, run!" he jumped into the bus and we rapidly shutted the door.

"Are they rabbid or something?" I was standing infront of the kids, in an attempt to protect them, "They can't get in! They can't get in!" Steve pushed his feet against the door, when the whole bus satggerd, "AHHHH!" a claw broke through the door, at that action, we all rushed to the other side of the bus. 

"Is anyone there?! God! Mike!? Will!? Anyone?!" my brother tried contacting someone through the walkie, as Steve smacked the bat agints the door. I took the walkie out od his hands " we're at the old junkyard and we're about to DIE!!!!", we turned our heads to a laud noise, and that's when we saw it "AHHHH!" a demogorgon on the roof looking at Max, Steve rose his bat "out of the way! Out of the way! You want some?! Get this!" he was about to hit it, when all of a sudden all the creatures started leaving. 

He slowly opened the door and we started getting out. "What happened?" "I don't know" "Steve scared them off?" the kids asked "no" "no, way" he  agreed with me, "they're going somewhere".


Hey guys, this chapter was definetly the most fun to write yet. It's a bit shorter than the last two chapters, but I didn't want everything to be together, you know? I hope you like and enjoy it. <3 a/n

 <3 a/n

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