S1 Episode 1: Crush

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It was a beautiful morning at Middleton High and Ron Stoppable was at the lockers, looking for his pet naked rat, Rufus. "Rufus? Rufus? Here boy!", Ron calls out while looking through one of the opened lockers. 

Just then, Kim and Lynn Possible come walking up to Ron, while he was searching for Rufus. "Hey, Ron!", Kim says to her male friend. 

"How's it going, Ron?", Lynn asks. "Ssh, you guys! Rufus has gone missing.", Ron tells them, before continuing his search for his pet. 

"You lost Rufus again? You need to keep a better eye on him.", Lynn says to Ron. "Maybe he's hibernating.", Kim suggested. 

Ron turns to the twins and said, "Not likely, Kim. It's Spirit Week. If the little guy missed it, he'd be crushed." Suddenly, Ron saw a commotion going on in his shirt pocket. 

In the pocket was Rufus, who was still sleepy from being awoken from his nap. "Rufus! Ho-hey-hey! Ho-ho! Rufus!", Ron excited said, happy that he found his lost pet.

Rufus yawns and just scratches his head. "A naked mole rat. Ron, ever think about getting a normal pet?", Kim says. 

"Like what?", Ron asks her. "I don't know. Something not naked.", Kim suggested.

"I don't mine Rufus, Kim. I think that he is just adorable!", Lynn said, making a happy face. Rufus smiled at Lynn and then blew a raspberry at Kim. 

"Thanks, Lynn! Kim, you should never be normal! That's the Ron Stoppable motto. Right, Kim?", Ron tells the girls. He then notices that Kim isn't responding to what he said. 

"Kim? KP? Kim Pos-see-blay?", Ron asks a nervous and love-strucked Kim. "Hey, Lynn? What's wrong with your sister?", Ron then asks her. 

"I'm guessing it's you-know-who again.", Lynn says, pointing towards someone. Ron follows where Lynn was pointing at and saw cute, popular boy, Josh Mankey. 

"Oh, Josh Mankey.", Ron said, annoyed. "Yuck! Mankey!", Rufus retched out, in disgusted.


"Sis, calm down. Your doing that "thing" again, whenever you go ga-ga over Mankey.", Lynn tells her twin sister. "Lynn's right, Kim. You gonna amp it down or else someone might think you're crushing on him.", Ron agreed with one of his best friend.

"Pah, Mankey!", Rufus muttered. Soon, Josh notices the three and starts to walk over to them. 

This made Kim nervous as she started to hyperventilate and freak out inside her brain. "Huh? Kim? You ok?", Ron asked her. 

"Yoo Hoo! Earth to Possible!", Lynn tells Kim, while waving her hand in front of her sister's frozen face. "Hey! What's this say to you?", Josh asked them, more particularly Ron. 

"Oh, it's, it's, er, you know. I mean, yeah, totally...", Kim nervously stuttered, while trying to stay calm in front of her crush. Lynn just face palmed at her twin's failed attempt at trying to look cool in front of Josh.  

"Hey, you guys are The Possible Sisters. You two were on the news last week, saved some ambassador or something?", Josh asked the twins. "Yeah, pretty much. It's what we do. Right, Sis?", Lynn casually told him. 

"Um, yeah, we, uh...", Kim continued to stutter nervously again. "That was cool.", Josh said to her. 

"Yeah. Heh, heh. Thanks. Heh, heh. Bye! Heh, heh.", Kim sheepily told Josh as she giggled with glee. 'Oh brother...', Lynn thought to herself, as she shook her head. 

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