Chapter 28

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Ivar cradled the bloodied girl in his arms, tears finding their way into his usually cold demeanor

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Ivar cradled the bloodied girl in his arms, tears finding their way into his usually cold demeanor. He didn't care about anything else happening around them. Especially not when he felt her pulse begin to weaken.

"Stay with me." He desperately tried to keep her awake, brushing the hair from her face so he could see her better. Though she was beaten and bruised, she was still the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. "You're not dying. Not now."

Ailbe coughed, blood dripping from her lips as she took slow and labored breaths. "Ivar..." She whispered, her weak hand finding its way up to his cheek, a small smile forming on her lips when she confirmed that it was him. "Ivar, I'm scared."

"Don't be scared." He told her, holding her closer as his heart began to break. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Hvitserk stood beside them, watching the scene unfold in shock. This couldn't be happening. Not now. Not to her.

"I-" She tried, but she could feel her eyelids growing heavy and her breathing became harder. "I love you."

As her eyes began to close, Ivar panicked. Desperately, he tried to shake her back into consciousness, his entire world shattering as he realised that she was no longer breathing. He held her closely, refusing to let go, eyes red from crying.

Everyone watched in disbelief, feeling the King's pain. Their beautiful princess, whom they all loved dearly, was gone. And Ivar The Boneless, a man feared by thousands, looked so broken that he actually seemed more human than God for just a moment. But that was something they respected, and all of them fell silent, their weapons pressed against their hearts as they mourned the woman with him.

Hvitserk wiped away some tears that he'd let fall, wishing that he could've done more to protect her. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of it. And, for once, he sympathized with his little brother. If this was Thora, he would've been a mess as well.

"I love you too." He whispered to her, kissing her tenderly. "I love you."

Just as everyone thought it was over, that she was in fact gone forever to feast with the Gods, Ailbe did the unexpected.

With a sharp gasp, her eyes shot open, and she leaned forward suddenly. Her throat hurt from the blood, her eyes sore from tears, but she felt more alive than she had ever felt before.

Silence fell again. How? How could she be alive when they had all watched her die? But Ivar just smiled sadly, hugging her tightly as though he may lose her again if he let go.

"Get her back to the camp now!" He ordered furiously. "If she dies, I'll kill all of you."

The three men that he had ordered lifted her up and made their way over to a horse.

The princess was alive. And now, Ivar would have his revenge on those who tried to take her from him.

Honestly though, them introducing Erik The Red to Vikings made my week.
Nah it made my existence.
That shit is jfjfjdmsmsmsm

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