The Shushing Gales - Todoroki x Midoriya

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It was a late night, not storming at all near U.A.'s dorms. The lightning struck in the distance elegantly, trickling down the sky until it had kissed the mark it bounded after. The clouds around it lit up in a never ending light show, stopping for a few seconds before renewing itself. Todoroki didn't think he would be staring at a storm at 2:30 in the morning, but he was. One of the reasons was that there was a certain lovable little green haired boy in his lap. The other reason, well, Midoriya wouldn't be happy with if he told him.

Storms have always calmed down the half and half boy, even when Endeavor lashed out at him at unholy nightly hours. They had their arms wide open, humming through their thunders that roamed the stars. Once his closest friend -now boyfriend- started to be around Todoroki more often, everything had improved in his life. He didn't need to depend on those gales streaking the night to relieve him of his anxieties. No, the boy who he loved the most in the world did. However, this was not one of those lucky nights that the curly-haired boy fended off the beast that lurked in his mind.

It slowly crept upon Shouto without him noticing, avoiding his gaze at all cost. Then it got closer until he could feel the burn deep in his lungs, the type of burn not caused by his own quirk. He wouldn't cooled himself down if that were the case. It slithered its way into the boy, engulfing him in its fiery grasp. He suddenly couldn't breathe. The world was swirling around him in a way he could not defend himself. His quirk wouldn't fix it, ice nor fire wouldn't be adequate in his futile attempts to fend off the beast.

Then Midoriya showed him on the day of competition, the U.A. sports festival. It wasn't just being able to let go of the chains that shackled him placed on him by his father, it was finally being able to free himself. He got to live that day. He felt emotions that were never there before. It was the love of his life that did that for him, not any sort of therapy that could have been administered to him. Shouto felt that he was lucky to have such a beautiful boyfriend, one that would never let him fall without him hurtling himself in desperation to save him.

The sudden movement in his lap caught his attention, bringing him back from the world of his mind back into reality. Midoriya was slowly opening his eyes to look at his love. Midoriya's eyes were as stunning as the rest of him. The way his freckles dotted his face, how his smile just radiates happiness to spread onto others, how his awkwardness made Shouto ready to explode for his love, he could go on for days for just how much he loved the green-haired teen. Midoriya let a small smile come from the clutches of his heart, and he nuzzled his face into Shouto's stomach.

"Why aren't you asleep? We have school tomorrow..." He slurred, moving his head from Shouto's lap. He was definitely still groggy, and Todoroki could that he was still half asleep. "Couldn't sleep. The usual." Shouto muttered, moving his eyes from Midoriya's face. That woke him up quickly. Midoriya knew exactly what he meant by it, even if Shouto didn't want him to do anything. "Well, how about we watch one of All Might's documentaries? Could that help?" The boy was so concerned that it hurt Shouto so much. Everytime he tried to make Shouto feel a little better, but nothing had ever worked. The half and half boy was too far deep into the whole of self-hating at this time to save him. The rope would never reach him, he was too far down the well.

"Alright, but I'm going to go outside for a little. I'll see you in 30 minutes." Todoroki sighed, getting off the bed. It creaked under his shifting weight before getting quiet once he stood. "You're not going to smoke again, are you? You can't just cover it up by saying that it was your quirk, Shouto. I can always tell." Midoriya said with a broken-heart. His eyes were already about to tear up if he said yes. "I'll try not to, but I can't make any promises. I love you." He added on, then left his dorm room, his boyfriend left inside on the bed.

It was a nasty habit that Bakugou gave him. He saw Todoroki outside on a night just like this when he came back from a run. He saw how upset Shouto was from a fight with Midoriya, which really was over nothing, but made him feel awful. The hot-head gave him a pack of cigarettes, taking one out himself just so he could show him how it was done. Within minutes, the calming sensation filled Shouto's mind. It was the first time in over 10 years he hadn't felt the nip of anxiety at the back of his head. He knew it wasn't good for him, but he couldn't deny it. Some things couldn't be changed, only suppressed.

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