Chapter 4

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Things went south fast in Sicily. The man who Arthur had stopped on the submarine was back with Atlantean soldiers and technology. Their goal was pretty straightforward: kill Arthur and Mera, capture Savirah. But, they had underestimated the power those two women had. There had been a mild panic on her part when whatever gadget the soldiers had brought severely dampened her powers (or as the Mer called it, her Influence). Still, she held her own in physical combat with Mera's help.

Arthur was more badly injured than he had ever been before, but he staggered back to them after he threw down "Black Manta". Mera had killed a couple of the soldiers by using wine from a store, and now she and Savirah were fighting off the four that remained from the initial eight. One of them managed to land a light cut on Savirah's side. And just like that, whatever was keeping her Influence controlled seemed to break.

Savirah thrust her hand out and clenched it into a fist as if grabbing something. Then, she snatched her hand back, and instantly, all of the water was wrenched from the Atlantean suits, shattering through the face masks.

Mera sat heavily on the ground, trying to catch her breath. "How did you do that? The suits kept me from trying it."

Savirah too inhaled heavily. "My Influence is stronger than yours. All of my people have Influence to varying degrees, with royals and nobles being the most powerful, but only a few of yours carry the potential. Unfortunately that means you aren't taught how to use it properly anymore since my people withdrew." She smiled wearily. "After this is all over, I'll teach you..."

Arthur couldn't disguise a grunt of pain, and Savirah's gaze snapped to him.


He knew he was talking with her, but he didn't really know what he was saying. His focus slipped further, and then everything went dark.

When he awoke, there was some kind of melody filling the air. Slowly, he sat up. There was some sort of covering on his wounds, and Savirah was dozing beside him. As he moved to stand, she stirred and blinked up at him, sighing in relief when she had woken up a bit more.

"Arthur..." She got to her feet and hugged him close. "You had me so worried..."

Carefully, he wrapped his arms around her in return. It made sense that she was so shaken. Nothing had ever been able to injure him that seriously before.

"I'm alright..." he reassured softly.

The moment hung between them blissfully until Savirah finally pulled away.

"We should tell Mera you're awake."

Arthur nodded, and followed her to the back of the boat. Just then, a thought struck him.

"Where did we get this boat?"

Mera looked up and set her instrument aside. "From the marina."

Arthur gave Savirah a look.

"Don't worry, I left a jeweled hairpin as payment," she reassured.

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide a small smile. However, the smile was quickly wiped away when Mera and Savirah told him their destination.

They had to go to the Trench.


The creatures came in droves, overtaking the boat. The flares could only hold them off for so long. Arthur grabbed ahold of Mera with one hand, holding the flare high with the other. Savirah held onto his arm, and they all jumped in together.

The blackness seemed as though it would never end. Foul things closed in all around as the trio approached that distant light.

A brief moment of relief was instantly forgotten as the swirling vortex ripped them all apart.

Arthur broke the surface and headed to shore. There were two figures on the beach. Neither of them was Savirah. His train of thought was broken as soon as the stranger turned around.


When she came close to him, he held her in his arms so tightly he thought one of them might break. Then, Savirah filled his mind once more.

"Where is she?" He looked to Mera, then back to his mother. "Where's Savirah?"

His mother shook her head, frowning. "I saw no other, Arthur..."

Arthur turned to look out at the water. She had to be there.

"Arthur..." Mera was beside him now. Before she could finish her thought, a shape burst from the water.

Savirah changed forms and began to slosh through the water until she reached the group.

"Is that what the inside of a blender feels like?" she asked Arthur, grinning as always. He had forgotten how proud of herself she used to get whenever she made a "Surface joke".

Arthur laughed and hugged her quickly.

"Now who's causing the worrying?"

Atlanna watched them curiously.

Savirah looked up upon noticing the third person and stared back at her with the same interested expression. "Are you... Are you Arthur's mother?"

Arthur gestured between them. "Mom, this is Savirah... Savirah... my mom is alive."

Savirah paused, then folded her arms across herself, palms open, and gracefully bowed her head. Arthur had never seen this from her before.

"Queen Atlanna..."

His mother's eyes widened slightly. "You're a Mer."

"How did you know that?" Arthur asked curiously.

Atlanna returned the gesture, and the younger woman relaxed.

"According to what I once thought to be legend, that is a Mer gesture of respect, from one Highborn to another..."

Savirah smiled brightly at that. "Yes, it is."

Arthur paused, then shrugged. At least everyone was getting along.

Now... to get the trident.

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