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Arthur was woken by small hands tugging at his hair.

"Daddy, daddy wake up!" his daughter whispered. Her wide, golden eyes stared back at him, a reflection of his own, and the inky black hair she had inherited from her mother floated around her face.

He opened one eye and looked over at her. "Good morning to you too..."

Impatiently, she grabbed his hand. "I wanna go see gramma and grampa now! Come on, daddy, you promised!"

Arthur chuckled. "Okay, okay sweetheart. Can you go play with Aunt Mera while mama and I get ready?"


And just like that, she swam out of the room faster than a bullet from a gun, her little, golden tail moving like a blur.

Arthur rolled over to look at his wife. She slept peacefully in her Atlantean form. While she could still breathe underwater in this form, she couldn't swim without her tail. Gently, leaned closer and kissed her forehead, brushing a strand of her long hair from her face.

Savirah made a soft noise and opened her eyes, smiling softly. "Good morning..."

"Good morning to you too..." he said. "Our daughter is pretty eager to go to up to the surface."

"Ahh... Wake you up, did she?" Savirah was clearly amused. "Well we better not keep her waiting."

She kissed him and then sat up, letting her tail reappear.

Arthur watched her for a moment, immensely grateful that things had turned out for the better all those years ago. Now, he had his kingdom and his family, and nothing could take that away ever again.

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