Chapter 11 - Show-Off

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hunter X Hunter, nor any of the characters mentioned in this chapter, nor the art above.


Q - Are you all caught up on the HxH anime?


The feeling of sleep is cut short due to someone shaking me awake by my shoulders. 'Dammit...' I think, shifting myself upright and glaring at the culprit; Leorio. "What the hell is that look for, Y/N!!" Yells Leorio in question to my actions, fearful of the angered face I'm making. "Why'd you wake me up?" I question Leorio bitterly, slightly narrowing my eyes at the poor, sweat-dropping Leorio.

Though, I'm not really complaining. I'm so busy with Leorio that I don't immediately noticed the soft, squishy ground beneath me. I hum in contempt, opting to wiggle my hips a little in an attempt to get comfy again. I sit up and lean my weight against Kurapika instead, who's face is beyond beet-red.

My eyes widen in shock and surprise. 'Wait... Kurapika?!' I think, shooting upwards on my feet in a hurry, blushing profusely and letting out a string of apologies to Kurapika, who is frozen in shock at my unconscious, but nevertheless, bold actions.

Kurapika then snaps out of his daze, a small smirk crawling its way onto his lips as he speaks, "Y/N..." He speaks in a husky voice, making me halt my apologies to him and instead eye him in question. "Yes?" I squeak out, a large red blush taking over and darkening my usual S/C skin tone.

Kurapika only grows more confident at my reaction to his words. "You should do that again. But somewhere more 'private' next time," Declares Kurapika, confidence taking over his usually introverted character.

Kurapika gives me a discreet wink and sends me an innocent-looking smile. He then stands up and walks toward the front of the boat. "So..." Speaks a clearly uncomfortable Leorio from behind me, adjusting his glasses. I snap out of my frozen daze and whip around to face Leorio.

I raise an eyebrow, urging him to continue. Leorio smiles at me nervously before continuing. "We're all supposed to line up near the front of the boat now," States Leorio, eyeing me with a newfound curiosity. My eyes widen at Leorio's statement, as I turn back around and walk toward the front of the boat where all the other applicants are.

My eyes scan the large crowd of applicants before they land upon a certain fuchsia-haired man. My eyes widen and I smirk, knowing damn well that all his attention was shifted toward Gon for the time-being.

I apply zetsu, and skillfully weave myself around the large crowd until I'm standing right behind Hisoka. My smile widens as I leap up and onto Hisoka's back, securely entangling my arms around his neck.

Hisoka's eyes widen in a shocked surprise when he feels a sudden weight being brought upon his neck and back. Without processing the situation, Hisoka throws the weight over his head and onto the boat's deck. Hisoka's eyes widen in absolute horror and his jaw drops as he watches the upside-down face of a wide-eyed, fearful Y/N fly past his.

Y/N does an impressive flip as she lands directly in front of Hisoka, just as he flings his arms around Y/N in a protective way. Hisoka chuckles deeply in her ear, earning him a shiver of delight and shock from the poor girl.

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