The Aftermath

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After leaving Kenny in the EMT's room I want to the lounge room. Most people where drinking. I seen Darby and walked to him. "Caitlyn! Are you ok?" He asked inspecting me. At this point I would call Darby my work brother. Hes a big supporter of me and I'm a big supporter of him. "Yah just my hand. Where is the rest?" I asked showing him my hand. "They are over by the pop up bar." He said pointing to the right corner. "Thanks for all your help tonight. I owe you Allen."I said hugging him. "Hell yah you do." He said hugging back. " I have more people to go thank. See you around brother." I said waving goodbye and then walking towards the group.

Once at the group I grabbed a shot and stood on a chair and held my shot up. Everyone looked at me. "Listen up! Thanks to everyone that helped me save my pack tonight I owe you all. Also I'm going to put an end to Moxley hes done enough damage and after that watch your back chris and co. I'm coming for you!" I yelled slamming my shot after. I hoped down. People came up to me and congratulated me on my work tonight, others commented on my AEW debute. After words I walked to my locker room I have to get out of my bloody shorts and pack.

I got to my locker room and opened my door. I was attacked by my brother. "How bad did Mox hurt you?" He said as he grabbed my arms and searched me. "Get off me Jon!" I screamed pushing him away. "I'm sorry. Also why the hell did you help Kenny?"he asked as he started pacing. "Because I help my friends and the ones I love before I help my brothers psycho alter ego! We both have them Jon! I control Killer. You can Damn well control Mox if you tried. But your sick. You like hurting people! You love the violence. I get that Jon we both love blood and violence but some shit crosses the line. You crossed that line tonight." I ranted to him "Your really doing this. Your really choosing him over me. What happened to bloods bloods thicker then water? What happened to us?" He yelled back. "I guess we just lost to much blood for that shit. Also you left me that's what happened. You left me with our parents knowing how evil they where. Now if you will excuse me I have to pack." I said the last part on the verge of tears. I opened the door for him. He left.My big brother just walked out of my life.

I changed my shorts into black ones just like the ones I had on. Hey you stick with what works. I put my headphones on and blasted my music as I packed. About a half hour later I was singing my heart out. "Here to change the game, a banner made of pain, I build my kingdom!!" I sang. I turned around and seen Cody standing behind me. I took off my headphones and was severely blushing. "Was that my song?" Cody asked me. "Would u believe me if I said no?" I asked looking at my list to make sure I had everything. "So it was. Are you ready?"he said laughing. "Almost just need my blow dryer."I said walking to get it. I picked it up and walked back. "You gunna tell Brandi about my jamming to your song arnt you?" I asked putting my dryer into my bag and zipping it up. "Brandi? No I have a video. The world's gunna know." He said laughing as we walked to the parking lot. " I sware if you post that I will kill you with my bare hands." I said all serous as we reached the parking lot. "Post what?" Brandi said from 100 or so feet away. "Nothing." Me and Cody said at the same time. "Damn it's cold." I said threw my chattering teeth as I put my bags in the back. "Maybe you should have a sweeter and not just a long sleeved shirt on and shorts." Kenny said as I walked to the side ready to board our groups bus. All of a sudden something hit me in the face. I pulled it off. Kenny gave me his sweater. "Thanks you messed up my hair."I said dramatically. He ran up to me and messed up my hair. "Kenny!"I yelled laughing. "Just fuck already!" Cody yelled out the bus window. We both pulled away. I put on the hoodie and ran on to the bus. I ran to my bunk and I planned on staying in for the rest of the time. Damn you Cody just had to say that. We where having a moment. I hid for over an hour before I reserved a text from Kenny. It read "come join us we are watching tonight's episode." Great now I have to go. Welp this should be fun.

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