Chp 36- "You're her dominant"

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Lydia's POV

"You're her dominant."

After Steven's declaration, I was left all alone in the room or whatever that was. I was getting really worried to the point that I had to fight the ropes. Stephanie being gone didn't sit right with mind didn't want to process or rather it didn't want to accept that. I was freaked out to the core of my soul, and thoughts of all kinds just jumped into my mind without permission.

It was super difficult to try and break through the ropes because whoever tied me up, made sure that they literally bite into my skin. I kept trying to get at least free from them but before I could countinue the door opened again and surprisingly a guard came looking blank faced.

He untied me and led me to the lognue where all the Kane's sat if Stephanie wasn't missing for one bit, luckily though Pearl wasn't here something told me she needed to escape from me and me lying to her, I hope I didn't mess up our friendship. I was then forced by the guard to kneel on both knees before the Kane's and I curled my lip as I looked at the floor.

"Lydia." Daniel said with a sigh "unfortunately I left something important just to come back to this shit....what a waste of my precious time."

I rolled my eyes at that but he countinued anyway "so yeah am leaving." With that I heard footsteps which indicated that that Satan officially left.

I frowned at that before forcing the guard to loosen his grib on my hair and it resulted to him trying to fight back "What about Stephanie?"

Kieran raised a brow before drinking his beer as if his sister wasn't missing, David was pressing his phone but his face had a deep frown and Steven simply looked elsewhere meanwhile Emmanuel just looked at the floor.

"What about her?" Kieran finally said as he drank his beer "She disobeyed the rules anyways, so if she wants a fucking girl that kills with flames, a girl that lies. Let that slave alone save her. She chose her didn't she? And so will she have her."

My mouth dropped open "Basically you saying you don't care? About your own sister?"

"We are not blood related." Kieran said and I looked at everyone else who simply looked elsewhere, I couldn't believe they were chilling and relaxing whilst Stephanie was somewhere being killed or starved. They looked so calm, like they didn't bother but for neddy they did something. For some reason I felt pity for Stephanie at the Same time betrayal for her. Stephanie tried so hard to be perfect, to play her role.... and this is the thanks she gets.

How could they just sit there? Relax? What game is Kieran playing? I couldn't believe that even Steven didn't do anything but what did I expect from Mafias?

"In other words Lydia." Kieran said slowly and loudly as if I was stupid "You're her dominant, being her dominant means you protect and care for her no matter matter what. Do something, it doesn't concern any of us anyways."

I just looked at then for five minutes straight before slapping the guard's grin on my hair "Damn, good luck getting Stephanie to love y'all once she's back. It is my job anyway."

Steven actually swallowed and David stopped typing while Emmanuel finally looked at me. Kieran kept his face blank.

"Good luck." Kieran said with a rough voice. I rolled my eyes before leaving for the kisses club because that was the only place I could think of. I would lay low there and plan my shit on how to find her and apologize.

As I walked through the streets everything seemed so blank and grey. This was officially fucked up to an unfixable limit. Pearl was somewhere thinking about my past or Maybe she was actually emotional while Stephanie was somewhere and who knows what they would do to her including the fact that her family didn't look worried. That's just too much.

Like old times that guard at the kisses club let me in with a nod and I walked in then went to the VIP section where Michael was grinning so widely I thought his face might fall. It even increased when he saw me.

"Lydia!" He said joyfully and I sat down next to him with a raised brow.

"What got you all happy?" I mumbled before throwing my head backwards and just closing my eyes for a second before inhaling and immediately opened my eyes because I could smell Stephanie's scent right here, it was so rich and yet it was faint.

"Oh something else." Michael said with a small smile when I looked at him now, his eyes shined "let's just say the basement downstairs has a beautiful gift... it's pale and black haired."

Found him....but Michael? A scorpion? Wooow and here I was thinking I could have a serious brother/sister relationship with him but my dominant was more important.

"Sounds great." I mumbled with a fake ass smile.

"Oh yeah," Michael moaned as he took a drink of his white wine "She smells of playgirl purfume but you know I like em expensive." My eye twitched at that because that was Stephanie's favorite perfume, I even wondered if he knew I was involved but according to his smile, dude was blind "Want a drink?"

"More like a lighter." I mumbled.

"Ooh you wanna smoke." He said before pulling out an innocent box of matches and cigarettes "I'II be back say ten minutes..."

"Sure dude." I said as I picked the box of matches "You guys got gas around? I like the smell."

"Oh yeah." Michael chuckled "in my backsit on my 4X4." He tossed me the key as I smoked the cigarette.

"Thanks dude." I said with a cheeky smirk. Michael smirked before leaving and that's when I stood up and left the club to go fetch the so called gas....the guy had drugs at the back of his seats....a lot of them, white beautiful things filled with powder. I didn't know what kind of drug it was but I took an extra packet, never know when it might be needed and this dude had gas in a suprisingly red bottle, it wasn't too much because it was a one litre bottle that was full of it...gas, this beautiful flammable gaseous hydrocarbon that can cause so much delicious disaster and fortunately it was enough to burn a building.....

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