Cassie's scheme

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"You majesty, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm not feelings very well. May you majesty please excuse me." Luna said.
"Alright." The emperor said not thinking too much about it.
Luna was feeling even hotter. She was feeling very uncomfortable and was determined to leave. After getting the emperor's permission, she left the banquet hall.
She was now feeling worse and worse every second. She just wanted to lay down and rest. Everything seemed so quiet after she left the banquet hall. She was hot and sleepy.
"Miss, if you are tired, you may go to the side hall to rest." A maid said.
"Okay, please lead the way." Luna couldn't think straight anymore. The maid smirked and led Luna straight to the side hall.
-Banquet hall-
Cassie was enjoying herself now. Her plan was already half completed.
"An ancient woman could never defeat a 21st century woman." Cassie thought. She just needed the signal for confirmation.
A dozen of maids walked in. They each carried a bowl of dessert and served it to everyone in the hall.
The maid served Cassie a bowl of fruit and secretly passed her a scroll of paper.
Cassie peeked at the paper and it said
"The plan succeeded. I am escaping now."
Cassie grinned to herself.
She enjoyed the feast now. No longer concerned about Luna.
"Luna will no longer hinder my plans anymore." Cassie thought silently, feeling happy with herself.
After a while......
Cassie stood up. "You majesty, since it is the feast of blossoming, we should go outside and admire the flowers." Cassie proposed.
" sounds like a good idea." The emperor said. "Prime minister, your daughter has come up with many great ideas to entertain me. You've raised her well."
Cassie smiled, happy to receive the praise of the emperor.
"Thank you for the praise your majesty." The prime minister said.
"Very well! Let's go!" The emperor said.
"Yes your majesty!" Everyone in the hall said in unison.
-In the imperial garden-
The flowers were in full bloom. There were flowers of many colours and types. Everyone was in awe. The imperial garden truly holds up to its name.
Everyone was still and silent, admiring the flowers on their own. All of a sudden, there was a noise. A load moan. That snapped everyone of their daydream.
"Who dares make such a vulgar noise in front of the emperor." The head eunch asked and looked around. There was no one in sight except for the crowd. The noises continued.
"Emperor, it sounds as if it is coming from the side hall. Should i go and investigate?" The head eunch said.
"No need. Since i am already out here, might as well." The emperor said.
"Your majesty, please just let the head eunch investigate, it is not worth you time." Cassie pleaded.
"Cassie what are you doing? How dare you stop the emperor." The prime minister hissed.
"Cassie ching speak. Why have you stopped me." The emperor said.
"I just t-thought that it is irrelevant. Please don't go there your majesty." Cassie kneeled on the floor.
"Outrageous! You are obviously trying to hide something. Spill it!" The emperor commanded.
Cassie grinned, "the emperor has latched onto the bait." She thought.
"Sister forgive me." Cassie whimpered. "Your majesty, my sister Luna actually planned to meet up with her lover tonight. Please forgive her! Punish me instead!" Cassie lowered her head onto the floor.
The emperor was fuming with anger. Luna was the third prince's fiance how dare she do such a thing. Looking at Cassie's demeanor, the emperor was sure it couldn't be a lie. But he did not want to make a decision without conclusive evidence. The emperor would not make a decision untill he have seen it with his own eyes.
"Forget it! Get up, seeing as you are only trying to help your sister, i will forgive you." The emperor said. "Men, head to the side hall and break the door open for me." He commanded.
Everyone headed to the side hall. On the way there, everyone was gossiping quietly about Luna's scandal, debating whether or not it's true while the prime minister and Madam Fu was in shock.
"How could this happen? Our family's reputation will be ruined if this is true." The prime minister thought.
As they arrived at the side hall, the noises got louder and louder. The emperor was furious and immediately ordered the men to break the door down.
The door came down with a bang! Inside, was a man and a woman undressed with expressions full of guilt and shock.

Is the woman Luna? Will Cassie's scheme succeed? Find out in the next chapter of DONT DISTURB A NOVEL!
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