Chapter five- The Jellicle ball

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Every cat quickly scattered at the sudden exclamation from the anxious and golden queen, hiding away so that the mystery cat would not be able to find them, and so that they would be out of harms way if it was really him.

The last three cats left in the open were Old Deuteronomy, who was far too old to move at the pace the younger cats did, Munkustrap, the protector, doing his duty, and of course, Alonzo. Not only was he doing his own duty as Munkustrap's second in command, but he was using this situation to try and seem braver in Graciette' eyes.

After a few minutes, Old Deuteronomy got to his feet, slowly stepping down from his seat, and raising his arms towards the sky. The middle son of his three spawn looked towards him, as the black and white cat strode away.
Old Deuteronomy gestured with his arm towards where Graciette and Jemima had disappeared, slowly pulling them back into the clearing, channeling the power of the moon. No one ever knew how he did it, or if he was the one actually doing all the work, but he somehow managed it every year.

Clearly, this year, the moon had decided to change something up a little, as it was usually Victoria Who danced beside the youngest of the tribe.

The young queens, looked to Old Deuteronomy for a moment, before slowly beginning to dance, starting the Jellicle ball as they always did.
"Jellicle cats, come out tonight." Old Deuteronomy began to sing in his low tones. "Jellicle cats, come one, come all.."
it was then that the two queens, and then Munkustrap, began to sing with the elderly leader. "The Jellicle moon is shining bright! Jellicles come to the Jellicle ball."
Alonzo poked his head around some rubble, before slowly dancing his way towards them, moving his hips as he sang about what the appearance of a Jellicle cat was. "Jellicle cats, are black and white, Jellicle cats are rather small." He paused, before continuing, "Jellicle cats are merry-"
At this moment, Pouncival eagerly rushed in. "And bright!" The two queens looked to the toms, as they sang next, "And pleasant to hear when we, caterwaul!" They gave a small jump as they sang the last word.

The railway cat seemed to come out of nowhere, stepping forward with a prance. "Jellicle cats, have cheerful faces!"
Tumblebrutus followed the ginger tom's example, mimicking his movements perfectly. "Jellicle cats have bright black eyes!"

Misto joined the group with a graceful leap. "We like to practice our airs and graces!"
The entire tribe joined in with the next line. "And wait for the Jellicle moon to rise!"

Munkustrap, along with Plato and Admetus, got into a line, before marching forward with military precision. "Jellicle cats develop slowly!"
Leading on from that, Tumblebrutus spoke up for the second time, tumbling as he sang. "Jellicle cats are not too big!"
The old Asparagus followed his son with a line of his own, seemingly speaking to Skimbleshanks and Mister Mistoffelees. "Jellicle cats are roly poly!"
The other, clearly fitter, toms looked at him for a moment. "We know how to dance a gavotte and a jig." To which Asparagus looked ever so slightly offended, as he focused on the pair, instead of dealing with Plato, who had just swiped at his son.

"Until the Jellicle moon appears," Demeter sang her half of the line, as Bombalurina continued, "we make our toilette, and take our repose."

Jennyanydots waited a moment, as her youngest child, Electra, cartwheeled towards her. "Jellicles wash behind their ears." She seemed quite proud of the kitten, and smiled down warmly at her.
Jellylorum on the other hand, had to chase after Pouncival, who was attempting to tumble like his brother. Her voice was more chastising then Jenny's. "Jellicles dry between their toes."

From the back of the clearing, the mystical twins came forward, moving gracefully, and speaking in unison. "Jellicle cats are white and black.."
The mischievous twins then made their appearance, Rumpleteazer going through the gap of the other twins, whilst Mungojerrie went around. "Jellicle cats are of moderate size!"

Just after this, three toms, Tumblebrutus, Skimbleshanks, and Pouncival leapt up three times, in unison, as they sang, "Jellicles jump like a jumping jack!"
Ariadne then slunk forward, taking Cassandra's place, as she seemed far too moody to do anything. "Jellicle cats have moonlit eyes.."

The entire tribe began to sing together, moving as one as they did so. "We're quiet enough in the morning hours, we're quiet enough in the afternoon..."
Munkustrap and Mistoffelees ran around the group as they continued, "reserving our Terpsichorean powers!"

The tribe twirled away from each other, breaking off into pairs or just being on their own. "To dance by the light of the Jellicle moon!"

Alonzo ran forward, straddling the air with a large leap. "Jellicle cats are black!"
Three queens behind him, Etcetera, Rumpleteazer and Graciette spoke in unison; "And white!"
Misto, Skimbleshanks and Tumblebrutus strode forward, "Jellicle cats, as we said, are small!"
The military trio came forward again; "If it happens to be a stormy night,"
To which the the three aforementioned dancers continued; "We will practice a caper or two in the hall." As they finished their line, Misto looked up, locking eyes with Rum Tum Tugger, Who had suddenly appeared.

"If it happens the sun is shining bright,"
The Rum Tum Tugger spoke next, "You would say we had nothing to do at all."
This alerted everyone else of his presence, and the kittens flocked towards him, taking places at his feet, before striding away to take the hand of Ariadne. "We are resting and saving ourselves to be right for the Jellicle moon and the Jellicle ball!" The entire tribe sang as one. "Jellicle cats come out tonight, Jellicle cats come one, come all. The Jellicle moon is shining bright, Jellicles come to the Jellicle ball..." as they sang, they got in a grid like position, their backs facing the old Jellicle leader. As they repeated the line, they slowly began to dance, before slowly to a halt, waiting a moment for something.

Then, it began. The hip wrench, turning all the cats as one. Attitude, as they slowly spun round, touching the floor, before pushing invisible walls away from them.
With a flash, they all dropped to the floor for a moment, before crouching on their feet, becoming a moving sea of backs, as the front section, which included Graciette, Ariadne, Demeter and Jemima, raised their hands towards the sky, before separating from the rest of the group for a moment. They all began to step around the clearing, looking around them every couple of steps. They then all came together, seemingly looking at the sky for a moment. They all then separated again, taking a moment to dance as one once more.

Then, Mistoffelees came forward, dancing alone for a moment, before Alonzo came forward, being joined by Pouncival.
Alonzo moved towards Graciette, who had rested on a tyre, as he seduced her. Tumblebrutus then sprang in, trying to outdo Alonzo, But he ultimately failed, as Graciette moved gracefully towards Alonzo, taking his hand, and dancing away.

Whilst that happened, Ariadne had stepped forward, taking Bombalurina's place in start the pas de Deux. She moved gracefully, and was as sexy as Bombalurina was whenever she started this section of the Jellicle ball. She was joined by Etcetera, Cassandra (Who now didn't seem as grumpy,), Demeter and Tantomile. The toms readied themselves before approaching. Coricopat Of course danced with his twin, he couldn't bare anyone taking her from him. Plato took Munkustrap's place in dancing with Demeter, though Munkustrap didn't overly mind, his mate was happy. Tugger Of course, danced with Ariadne, Admetus danced with Cassandra, and Tumblebrutus with Etcetera, being a wonderful big brother, in protecting his sister, much like the mystic twins.

As the section ended, most of the queens got lifted over the head Of the Tom they were dancing with. All except Etcetera, who scurried away, to let her brother perform with Misto. The young queens of the tribe danced behind them, all with smiles on their faces.

Then, the tribe began to dance as one again. Spinning round and round, slightly out of time, before Old Deuteronomy stopped them, and they span a few more times, in unison this time. They then stopped, looking to the moon, before making a space, for this years big couple, Alonzo and Graciette, to dance together. Much like when Victoria mated with Plato, the dance was slow, and graceful. It was beautiful, and they seemed to glow under the light of the full moon. The dance slowed even more, as Alonzo and Gracie laid together, and the others laid around them. This year; with no one to interrupt them, they stayed there for a while longer, having a nice old cat nap.

//how did you guys like the chapter? I'd really like to hear feedback for this one, cause I wasn't so sure on including the lyrics!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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