Chapter 60: No More Secrets

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*a few hours later*

*there is a knock on the door and Chloe opens up*

Chloe: hey Ems.

Emily: ow... hey Chloe.

Emily: is Beca home?

Chloe: no she's at work why?

Emily: nothing...

Chloe: come on Em.

*Chloe pulled Emily inside and they said down on the couch*

Chloe: tell me why you're insecure Ems.

Emily: uhm...

*Emily starts tearing up*

*Chloe hugs Emily*

Emily: I'm so sorry Chloe...

Chloe: why did you come here?

Emily: t-to tell Beca that Benji and I made u-up...

Chloe: did you break up?

Emily: n-no... we just had a fight...

Chloe: why did you want Beca to know?

Emily: uhm...

Chloe: what happened Emily?

Emily: I-I-I-I-I-I-I...

Chloe: calm down...

*Chloe lightly rubs Emily's back*

Chloe: can you give me a hint?

Emily: uhm...

Emily: I-I think that I'm b-bi...

Chloe: that's amazing Em.

Chloe: but what does that have to do with Beca...

Emily: I-I...

Emily: I... I kissed her...

Chloe: YOU WHAT!!!

Emily: she instantly pulled away...

Emily: it's all my fault...

Chloe: it's okay...

Emily: really...?

Chloe: yes...

*Chloe starts tearing up*

Chloe: can you please go...?

Chloe: I need to be alone...

Emily: I'm sorry Chloe...

Emily: I will go...

*Emily left and Chloe went to bed*

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