Chapter 21: Miss You...

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*4 weeks later*
*Beca is out of the hospital and is doing well*
*she is staying with the Bella's so she isn't alone*
*last week her stitches got removed*
*she is sitting in her room making remixes*
*Aubrey knocks on the door and walks in*
Aubrey: hey.
Beca: hey Bree what's up.
Aubrey: I've made you breakfast and I have some painkillers.
Beca: did Chloe ask you to treat me like a child or something.
Aubrey: no just to take care of you.
Aubrey: now eat you're breakfast and take your painkillers.
Beca: alright "mom".
*they both laugh*
Beca: so when are you visiting Chloe again?
Aubrey: later today.
Beca: okay.....
Aubrey: what's wrong Beca?
Beca: nothing... I just miss her so much.
Aubrey: I know Beca.
Aubrey: but she misses you too.
Aubrey: she can't live without you.
Aubrey: she loves you.

*an hour later*
*Aubrey is at the hospital*
*she walks into Chloe's room and see's her crying*
Aubrey: OMG Chloe what's wrong?
Chloe: I just miss Beca so much.
Aubrey: I know and I can tell you she misses you too.
Chloe: really?
Chloe: she isn't mad or scared?
Aubrey: no why would she.
Chloe: well I kind of stabt her with a knife... *starts to cry again*
Aubrey: don't cry.
Aubrey: she loves you Chloe.
Aubrey: she will never be scared or mad at you.
Chloe: I know.
Chloe: thanks Bree.
*a nurse walks in*
Nurse: Miss Posen, could you please follow me outside the room?
Aubrey: yeah of course.
*they both walk into the hallway*
Nurse: alright I need to tell you something about Miss Beale.
Aubrey: is she going to a clinic again?
Nurse: no this time we keep her in the hospital.
Nurse: in 3 months she can go home, but only if she doesn't get an episode again.
Aubrey: that's amazing.
Nurse: and there's one more thing.
Nurse: she talks in her sleep.
Nurse: and every night she says the same name.
Aubrey: which name?
Nurse: do you know anyone called Beca Mitchell?
Aubrey: yeah she is Chloe's girlfriend.
Nurse: could you bring her the next time you visit Miss Beale?
Aubrey: yeah of course.
*the nurse walks into Chloe's room to check her*
*Aubrey goes home*

*in the meantime*
*Vic visits Beca*
Vic: how are you and Chloe?
Beca: I'm fine.
Beca: Chloe is still in the hospital and is only allowed visits from her parent and her emergency person and that's Aubrey so... Yeah.
Vic: will she be alright soon?
Beca: yeah she can perform at the project.
Vic: alright that's great.

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