Chapter 38: Stacie really sick/bechloe baby plans?

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*the next morning 3 AM*

*Stacie gently pushes Aubrey's arm to wake her up*

Aubrey: Stace...?

Stace: Babe...

Aubrey: what's wrong?

Aubrey: you look pale.

*Aubrey puts her hand on Stacie's forehead*

Aubrey: you're hot Stace...

Aubrey: lay down.

Aubrey: I will get some things. 

*7 minutes later*

*Stacie runs to the bathroom and throws up*

*Aubrey brings all the stuff to the bedroom and walks to the bathroom*

*she walks into the bathroom and locks the door*

Aubrey: Stace...?

Stacie: yeah...?

Aubrey: are you okay?

Stacie: I don't know.

Stacie: I still feel...*throws up again*

Aubrey: you need some rest.

*Aubrey helps Stacie stand up and brings her to their bedroom*

*Stacie lays down on the bed*

Aubrey: take these and drink this glass of water.

Aubrey: put this towel on you're head.

Stacie: calm down Babe.

Aubrey: I'm sorry.

Aubrey: please get some sleep.

Stacie: okay.

*Stacie kisses Aubrey goodnight and they both fall asleep* 

*in the meantime are Beca and Chloe also awake*

Chloe: Hey Becs...

Beca: what's up Chlo?

Chloe: I need to talk to you.

Chloe: I mean I want to talk to you.

Beca: what do you want to talk about?

Chloe: us...

Beca: us?

Chloe: I mean do you want to have children with me?

Beca: of course I want to have children with you.

Chloe: do you want to carry the child?

Beca: I know you're afraid so...

Beca: I will try the first time.

Chloe: yay!

Beca: but if it doesn't work the first time you will try the second time!

Chloe: that's alright. 

*7 hours later (10 AM)*

*Beca and Chloe are at the beach*

*Stacie is still asleep*

*Aubrey is sitting on the couch in the bedroom reading a book*

*all the other Bella's are away and nobody knows where they are*

*Stacie slowly wakes up*

Aubrey: hey Princess.

Stacie: hey Baby.

*Stacie throws the sheets off her body*


Aubrey: what's wrong!?

Stacie: *starts to cry* I'm bleeding...

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