chapter two

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who is reading<3

*Hanna's P.O.V.*

"He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame. If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same." I sang along to the new Glee episode. I started dancing when my phone started to ring. I turned down the tv and answered the call, "Helloo??" "Hey Han!" Arianna said on the other line. "What is it Ari? I'm in the middle of something!" I exclaimed. "What were you do-.... You were watching Glee weren't you?" She asked. "DUH!" I answered. "Why am I not surprised... Anyway I called to tell you something." Arianna said. I growled, "This better be good." She giggled,"It IS! Anyway, there's this new guy and I was supposed to show him around, but I can't please will you do it?" I rolled my eyes, "Fine. But if this is another set up that you planned.." "No! Han, I really just can't go." She said quickly. I sighed, "Okay, how do I find him?" "Here I'll I will give you his number."

"I hate you Arianna," I said to myself. I was standing outside of the high school waiting for this guy to show up. I had texted him that my name was Hanna and I was going to meet him at the school. I saw that he read the text, but he didn't reply. I didn't care but I've been waiting for like thirty minutes now, and I am getting bored. Then finally I saw a silver car drive up in the parking lot and park. I put on the best fake smile I could and waited for the jerk to get out of the car. Once the car door opened I gasped, out stepped this god of a guy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He walked up to me and smiled, "Hi I'm Niall." I couldn't breathe let alone speak. He smiled again and I finally found my voice, "I'm Hanna. Welcome to Los Angeles Niall." I held out my hand and he took it. He kept hold of it as we walked, and you know what? That is fine with me.

"So this is the band hall, this is the orchestra room, and this is the choir room." I said. I saw his eyes light up a bit after I told him about choir. "Do you like to sing?" I asked. He smiled and turned to me, "My boys and I love to sing." I gave him a puzzled look, "Your boys?" Niall's eyebrows raised, "You haven't met..." "Haven't met who?" I asked. "Let's skip the tour, there are some very important people for you to meet." I opened my mouth to protest but he raised his hand, "No! I insist, please?" He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and I knew I wasn't going to be able to say no.  "Well.... Fine." Great! Your going to love them!" We walked back to his car and he opened the door for me, "Wow what a gentleman." He gasped, "Why of course my lady!" I giggled and he closed my door. As he got in I asked, "So what are your boys names?" He put his keys in and started the car. "Well there's Liam who is very sensible and nice, there's Zayn who is so proud of his hair trust me you'll know him when you see him, uh there's Louis who is the funniest guy you will ever meet, and finally there's Harry he is a huge flirt but I think his girlfriend is visiting from London so you will get to meet her." I smiled, "Ok so we got sensible, hair proud, funny, and a flirt?" Niall nodded, "Yes ma'am." 

Finally we pulled up to a huge house and I gasped, it was beautiful. Some what vintage, but drop dead stunning non the less. Niall helped me out of the car and we walked up to the door. "Beware, you're in for a scare." I laughed and he opened the door. We stepped in the house and Niall slammed the door, "I'M HOME!" I saw heads pop up and walk over towards us. "Hey Ni!" One of them said. "Who's this?" Another one asked. "Well I think she knows you." Niall said. "Well that's wonderful! Do you know who we are love?" One of the boys asked. "I think so," I said with uncertainty. "Well just give it a go!" The three boys watched me as I tried to guess their identity. I looked at the first guy and instantly knew who he was. "You, are Zayn. Oh and nice hair." I said with a smile. Zayn gave me a big hug then walked back to the living room but not before he could yell out, "Marry her Niall!" I smiled then looked at the next guy. He was wearing suspenders and stripes, and had a funny look on his face. I chuckled, "Hi Louis." He walked up to me, "You are a swell lass." I laughed at his bad Niall impression. He went back to... somewhere but as he left he was skipping and saying potato in an irish accent. The last boy was sweet. I could tell because of his kind eyes. He smiled at me. "Liam." I said with complete certainty. He nodded, "Well done." I turned to look at Niall and he was smiling. "What?" I asked. "My friends like you." He said. Just then a girl came out of what looked like a bedroom. "Did you have fun in there Bailee?" Zayn asked. She stuck her tongue out, "I had to get out of there. He was tickling me!" Zayn jumped up, "I know where he's ticklish!" Bailee's eyes lit up, "You tell me now Malik." He whispered something in her ear. "Thanks babe!" She kissed his head and was about to go back into the bedroom before she spotted me. "Hey! Another girl!" She ran up to me and Niall. "Hanna this is Bailee." I held out my hand but Bailee pulled me in for a big hug. "Babe? Where are you?" I heard as Bailee pulled back. Then out of the same room Bailee walked out of was another guy. He was hot, brown curly hair, emerald green eyes, and a nice body. "Haz come meet Hanna!" Bailee said with a smile. He extended his hand, "Hi I'm Harry." "Hi Harry." I said taking Harry's hand. Niall cleared his throat and I remembered he was behind me. "Well I better get Hanna home, I just wanted her to meet all of you." Niall said. Bailee made a pouty face, "Does she have to leave? I wanted to get to know her better." "Well," I said. "Are you going to Harrison?" She made a face, "The high school? Sadly yes. Thank the lord I am a senior." Harry kissed her head. I smiled, "I am a senior too! We can have so much fun!" She squealed and hugged me. "We should go school shopping!" Bailee suggested. "I would love that!" I said. "Awesome," Bailee said. "Here's my number, call me and we can go to the mall." Bailee pulled a piece of paper from the counter and tore a corner off. She wrote her number down and handed it to me. "Thanks!" I exclaimed. She giggled, "No problem." I turned back to Niall, "I'm ready." He smiled, "Bye everyone!" Everyone chorused in a big, "GOODBYE!" As we walked back to Niall's car I smiled, I really liked all of them.

"Your house is nice." Niall commented when we pulled up. "Thanks, I have lived in the same place my whole life." I said. Niall sighed, "Must be nice." I raised an eyebrow, "Why?" He looked at me with his big blue eyes, "Because you don't have to leave the people you love."


Soorrryyyy about the wait

Soooooo? Do you love it?

I really hope you do.

Well I'm off!



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