Big Mike

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"How is your mother?" The grey bearded loquacious man asked.
Ever since he was a little boy, he had always known big Mike to look the same. The only thing that changed about him was the color of his beards. He also knew big Mike to have a crush on his mum, even before his father's death. He could not hide it, not like he tried to; he always agreed with whatever she said even when it made no sense. His birthday gifts to her were always extravagant and ridiculously expensive. He also treated her sons like they were his. That was the edge Femi felt he had over him.

"She's fine sir. How's work?" He looked round the office and admired it's simplicity, the only thing that exuded wealth was the MacBook Pro desktop on his wooden desk.
"Work? Work is fine, the sponsors are increasing and the children are doing great. There are lots of special children there, I have a boy that draws with both hands at the same time. You should come with me any day you're chanced. You would fall in love with them."

Femi's respect for big Mike increased as he spoke. Big Mike was one of the happiest and optimistic people he knew. When he was younger, it was rumored that big Mike opened an orphanage home because he was impotent.
"That's actually why I came here." He admitted.
Big Mike looked up and frowned at him. "Do you want to adopt a child?" He asked.
"No, it's infact the opposite. I want to bring children to your home."
Big Mike let out a loud mocking laughter which vanquished almost all the hope Femi had.
"Are they your children?" He asked.
"Big Mike, you know I don't have any child."
"So where did you get children from?" Big Mike asked with more seriousness as he relaxed on his brown leather chair.
"The park. GMG."
"Do they have parents?"
"I don't think so." He knew nothing about Kemi's friends and the other child beggars.
"You don't think so?" He asked.
"No." He forced out. "They don't have parents."
"Do they have guardians? Where do they live?"
"Yes, they have guardians but..."
"No buts, if they have guardians then there is no need to be here. Most of the kids in the home have nobody in their lives, some were dropped in front of the door as babies. The others, victims of maltreatment."
"That's where I'm headed." Femi said.
Big Mike did not look like he was interested in receiving more kids. He began explaining slowly and meticulously to win his interest. "The kids I'm talking about are beggars."
"Femi, there are beggars everywhere. Some people are just unlucky, the country is hard! As long as they have people taking care of them at the end of the day, they are good."
"No big Mike, they are not good. I learnt they are going to be used as sex slaves soon. That's why I'm here today, for your help in saving these kids." He prayed that would touch big Mike.
"Are you sure of what you're saying?" Big Mike asked after a long period of silence.
"Yes, yes, I'm very sure. You could come with me to the park. I'd show you." He said confidently, whereas he wasn't sure of himself or the truth.
"Femi, I admire the fact that you're concerned about this children, I really do but this is the world we live in, you can't help everybody."
"But I can help a few people and I would really want to do that."
"Hmmmm Femi, this is more work and more funds, incase you don't know, the home has a carrying capacity of only 100 children, but we have over 200 children there now. There is no space, everywhere is filled up and tight. We can't save the entire world Femi, we're not Jesus."
"What if I got another place for more children?" Femi asked stupidly.
"You're still a young boy. I know you may be well loaded, you definitely will be, I mean your father is the famous Bakare. You know that name alone can move mountains in Lagos. I would be honest with you, Femi this would wreck you, running an orphanage is not a child's play.
"I've actually thought of all of this and I don't mind the losses plus I have a steady source of income. If you would allow me get another home under your license of course, I can bring the children from the park and other children to your home. I could personally manage the home if you let me and I would also contribute yearly."
"I heard you don't work at Sky F, where do you intend on getting money yearly?"
"I'm actually a web designer and I get enough money from there."
"Do you think web designing money would be enough to take care of an orphanage. Don't you have shares at Sky F?"
"That's bad. Can't you talk to your brothers? It would be nice if Sky F became one of our sponsors, it would also help the business. People prefer companies involved in charity that those stingy ones."
"I don't know about that." Femi said. He could not imagine himself meeting Kola for such a deal as he had long renounced Sky F.
"Do you think my sponsors don't gain from associating with the orphanage home? I'd pardon you because you are not fully into business."
"But I actually make millions monthly as a free lancer."
"That is if you get work, what if no one contacts you for work?"
"I would get paid one way or the other."

Big Mike looked at Femi for a while with pity before continuing.
"How about this? If you can get Sky F to be one of the home's sponsors, I would receive as many children as possible from you and......and I would also pay half of the rent for the new home."
"Would Sky F be paying the other half or would I be the one to handle that, even after getting Sky F?"
"I knew you still had a bit of your father of in you." He smiled. "How many children do you plan on bringing?"
"I don't know yet but I'd confirm and let you know. It would be nice if you came to see for yourself."
"I've been to the park before Femi, I would send my agent."
"Ok thank you very much sir."
"Yes Femi. We'd discuss this better next time. Meanwhile, your mom's birthday is coming up, what's the plan?" He beamed.
"I don't know but as usual she would throw a huge party."
"I trust her, my regards to her eh." He smiled. "I didn't even offer you anything. Pardon my manners. Let me call.."
"No big Mike, I'm very good. I have to leave now."
"Before you leave, I have one question for you."
"Is everything alright at home? I've been hearing some dirty talk."
"Everything is fine big Mike." He knew big Mike was talking about the feud between Kola and himself.

They once had a verbal fight at an event center, the fight originated from Kola asking the girl Femi brought to leave. Only a few people were there but he knew the news would reach the entire Lagos.

"Are you sure?" Big Mike asked.
"Yes, I am." He smiled.
"Big Mike, can I ask for a favor?"
"Anything my son."
"If we get a new home, can I name it? I mean still under your license and I would pay for it."
"We'd discuss all this later Femi. I'd call my agent and he would reach out to you, you guys would fix a date to go to the park."
"Alright, thank you very much."
"Don't thank me yet. Greet your brothers for me."
"Alright, bye big Mike." He got up and left.

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