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**This starts off right after Eren's mom gets eaten, and like all that stuff with the Collosal Titan and the Armored Titan yeah**

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I sighed leaning my back against the wall with my legs crossed in front of me. I tried to ignore the fight in front of me. Eren was just being reckless as usual, he can't fight a solder... Idiot. Give up and ignore the damn guy. Eat your rations before someone else does. Everyone is tense... Mikasa and Armin were getting in the way of the two, solder and Eren.

After a few minutes and an argument the three returned next to me. I was the oldest of the three, supposedly ment to watch over them, but there really wasn't much for me to do, Mikasa took care of Eren and Armin didn't cause much trouble at all.

Armin looked at me and noticed my annoyance.
"Sorry for the trouble Y/n..."
I just scoffed and let my eyes travel through the starving crowd. My eyes suddenly landed on three people who I hoped to never see again. I grabbed Armin's shoulder and Eren's arm pulling the two with Mikasa following along. I started Sprint through the crowd holding on to the boys and Mikasa grabbing Eren's other arm. Shoving people as we ran towards an alley. I didn't notice there were two people already there as I felt too relieved to know we got away without the three people finding us.

I slid my back against the wall letting go of the youngers and plopping down on the ground. Sighing heavily.

"What happened to you four?" A voice spoke. A blond boy who looked about my age stood up and was walking towards us, leaving his friend sitting on the ground watching us.

I stood up and faced him while Armin and Mikasa hid behind my back pulling Eren with them. All of us looking at him.
"Nothing that concerns you."
I said coldly looking at him.
"We were just In a slight bit of trouble I hope we don't disturb you by staying in this alley way for a bit?"
Armin butted in moving away from me and towards the boy, explaining our situation.

I sighed again and nodded,
"It's alright we are just avoiding crowds. It's not like we own this alley. I'm Erwin by the way."

Erwin rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
"This guy over here is Levi, my friend."
I shifted my body to look behind Erwin and made eye contact with the Levi character. He looked as if he hadnt slept in days.

(Things are altered ok? Levi and Erwin are childhood friends rn)

Now all three of the kids benhind me had came out to greet the two. Levi stood up and went next to Erwin. He looked cold, and untouchable.

"We hope to join the army when we can, Titans are such unruly creatures... May I ask how old you four are?"

"I'm 12,"
I said looking at Erwin's features closely.
"Levi is 12 too, I'm 13 though. Not by much."
Erwin replied nervously
"The rest of us are 10."
I heard Mikasa answer.


"I definitely want to join the scouts... I need to kill the very last Titan!"
Eren said proudly. Us six kids sat together talking for a while. I sat next to Levi with Erwin on the other side of Levi. The others sat in order, next to me was Armin, then Mikasa, and then Eren.
I nodded
"Scouts I feel are the most dangerous but I want to join them as well... Being a scout might be a suicide but I'm fine with that. My father was a scout. While my mother and I stayed in the village. I want to fight just like how my father did."
I said looking at the ground playing around with some rocks.
"What happened to your parents?"
Levi spoke up looking dead straight at me.

I simply answered

Levi nodded and looked at what my hands were doing.
"Scouts are doing a lot, but no one appreciates them, but I still want to fight with them."
I nodded and looked up at Levi to meet his gaze. He may look somewhwt cold and unhappy but wen I looked into his eyes I saw something hidden deep within them, I couldn't quite pinpoint it but I knew that he was hiding some emotion.

Eren spoke up. I didn't realize we were just staring at each other for a while.
I snapped out if it and looked away.
"Honestly I'll just go wherever Eren goes."
Mikasa stated.

For a while our group was just talking about what we were going to when we get older, but I couldn't focus on everything, I was still somewhat transfixed by Levi's eyes... What was he afraid to show me?

Armin then looked at me worried.
"Y/n.. we have to go... I see them coming!"
I gasped and pushed to the three 10 year olds up and in front of me and dashed past the two boys. But the two boys following us as well.
"Why are you following us?"
I shouted
"Maybe we could help each other!"
Erwin replied shouting.
I sighed and smirked.
"Alright then."

While we were running and zipping by corner's the three men still kept up with us. Suddenly as we were turning a corner I tripped over a rock and landed on my chest.
"Damn it!"
I yelped as the men got closer. I tried to stand up but I think I twisted my ankle. Tears started to wet my face but then I saw a hand, I looked up more and it was Levi, he hovered over me and held his hand out. I grabbed it and he threw my whole arm over his shoulder, we were about the same size so this wasn't that hard on him. I limped and held onto him tightly lifting my other leg up to run with him and we quickly cought up with the others.

"Y/n! I'm so sorry we didn't see you fall back!"
Erwin said as we all turned to hide in an empty house. The men ran past us as Levi sat down with me still leaning onto him for support.
"It's alright. Thank you Levi."
He nodded and looked away quickly. Blushing? Erwin and the other three crouched down to me and looked at my ankle.

"It's just a muscle that strained. You should be fine."
Armin said checking out my food, moving it around.
I groaned and gripped Levis shirt as Armin checked me out.

"We lost them, we're safe for now."
Mikasa said looking at me. Levi began to stand back up and run his hand through his hair.
"Are we just going to stay here all day? It's still plenty of sunlight."
Levi announced.

"That reminds me, why are you running from those men?"
Levi then asked looking at me. Erwin nodded to his question and looked at me as well.

"Well they are mad at uhm.. me because... I stole their food a bit ago. There were no more rations left and we are very hungry..."
The two nodded understandingly.

"Alright well I think we should go back to the crowd, I know we ran pretty far but I know we're we can sleep and stay for a bit."
Erwin suggested. We all nodded to him.
"Follow me."

*** This is a prologue so its going to be shorter than most chapters**

Thanks for reading I hope your interested!

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