|chapter one - training to die|

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shut up and read

2 years after the Titan's attack

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2 years after the Titan's attack...

Mikasa, Eren, Armin, and I were enlisting into the training corps. Hoping we could someday eventually join some part of the army.. mainly the scouts of course but if not at least somwhere. I'm now 14 while the others are 12, ( I hope I got that right, according to Google Eren was 12 when he enlisted... idk correct me if I'm wrong I can change that. ) we were just beginning our ODM belt training... So far everyone is doing well but I'm starting to really worry, Eren is having a lot of trouble. If Eren don't pass both Armin and Mikasa will leave with him. Leaving me to myself, to train and become an emotionless fighter. Those three were my only source of happiness and smiles even. I don't think I would be a very happy person without them.

"Eren c'mon! You've got this!"
Armin shouted at Eren who was just hanging with his head almost barely touching the cold damp grassy plains underneath him. Small bits of sweat dribbled down his forehead and to the ground as everyone was gathered around him. Staring and adding unnecessary commentary laughing at the poor younger.

I groaned as I felt a pair of arms begin to take off the clips on my belt releasing me from the lines. It took about a minute for them to fumble enough and finally remove the tightly wired line. But one of was free they dropped the chain clasp on the ground and I slipped out of it and over to Eren, crouching to his waist and yanking on his belt straps. Something isn't right, he should be doing fine... After all he spent the whole night training for this.

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"Reiner, Bertholt, I have a favor to ask of you..."

Eren, Me, and Mikasa stayed up late to converse with the other night owls at camp. Eren was afraid to be kicked out of the military. And honestly I was afraid as well.

"Your the best in our class. Can you help me?"

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As I was thoroughly and frantically shifting my hands around Eren's leg straps and abdomen buckles I finally noticed the slight off setting of a clasp. The medal was bent and therefore preventing the utter perfect balance. All this time it was Eren's gear malfunction, what a damn relief!

"Sir, Eren's gear is welded incorrectly."
I said formally looking at the commander of our training corps. Unintentionally letting out a breath I didn't even know was hidden deep inside my chest cavity. I looked down in respect to hear the commanders response.

"Reiner, switch gear with Eren."
Commander Keith simply said, Reiner was controlling the strange wires that held Eren up.
"Yes sir."
Reiner then began to shift his way out of the belt maneuver and handed it to Eren. So did Eren but instead giving the commander his belt to inspect closer. I shifted towards the commander and pointed to the broken belt clasp.
Commander nodded and looked up at Eren finishing putting on Reiner's belt and hooking himself up to the long wires.

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