Jacob Black X OC

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A/N: My first request! Thanks, _stellastyless.

Summary: The OC (Stella) has a crush on Jake and is best friends with Seth. Stella being a vampire isn't exactly welcome on the rez. Jake gives Seth a hard time for being friends with her, but she can't stand her family. She and Jake argue, a lot.

The picture above is what Stella's hair looks like

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The picture above is what Stella's hair looks like.

I was repeating my senior year of high school yet again. This had to be about the 120th time. I was sure my adopted siblings felt the same, not that they talked to me much. In this family, I was usually passed off as Emmet's twin or Rose's cousin. Most of the time I just wanted to be left alone and they didn't seem to get that. 

I was forced to go shopping with Alice and be her model for makeup and clothes. They drove me crazy, particularly Emmet and Alice. Emmet always wanted me to play video games with him, everyone was tired of having their ass kicked by him. Edward was always in my head, Rose and I bickered like sisters, Esme acted like my mother. The only ones I did okay with were Carlisle and Jasper, but Jasper was okay with sitting in silence.

Edward and Bella were off spending most of their time together. That's pretty much all they ever did. Any moment they could be together, they were. Alice said they were going to get married. I wasn't sure that would happen as Bella was still in High School. She was of legal age though and in this day and age, she didn't need her family's blessing.

I was out with my best friend at the moment. I didn't spend to much time in the house. Seth and I were in town, I bought him a root beer float and a hot dog. "Hey, Stell, why don't you come over tomorrow and watch the game?" Seth asked as we walked. He was one of the newer members of the pack. He had one great personality. He was so accepting of everybody.

"You know I can't cross the treaty line Seth nor do I care for sports," I replied. I would like to cross the border between our lands. That way I could spend more time with Seth and my siblings couldn't follow me across the border.

"Come on bestie, Jake will be there," Seth teased. I gave him a shove as he laughed at me.

"It still doesn't change the treaty nor the fact that Jake is obsessed with Bella. As long as he's obsessed I don't stand a chance." Jake needed to get over the fact that Bella didn't choose him.

"Hey! Bloodsucker!" Jake yelled at me. I turned to look at my crush. His voice was so full of hate. "Seth needs to get home." It was starting to get dark. I should probably get him home for dinner. His mom knew he was hanging out with me today and she knew I wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"Get on my back Seth," I said. We had come to the edge of the wood. "I'll take you to the border."

"Oh I love this," Seth said jumping on my back.

Once both of us were home I went to my room. I wanted to go for a drive. The problem was I was turned at 15; one of the reasons I didn't always get on with my siblings. I was so much younger than them, in terms of when I was changed but I was the oldest in the family. I had been transformed 400 years ago. I met Carlisle about 100 ago and had joined his coven.

Carlisle had hoped that I would be a mate for Edward. That hope fell through almost immediately. The tension between me and the others was nearly immediate. We just didn't click. Perhaps I had been alone too long. I had been alone as a human as well. Jasper, Carlisle and I got along okay but Seth was my best friend. He was the only real relationship I had.

"Stella, could you come here for a minute?" I heard Carlisle ask. I came down the stairs to see Jacob in our living room. What did he want? "You have a visitor."

Once Carlisle was out of the room Jake rounded on me, "Where's Bella?"

"Do I look like her mother?" I asked. Why was he asking me?

"Where is she?" he repeated.

"Not my problem, she's 18."

"Edward's your brother, doesn't he talk to you?"


"So you don't know where Bella is?" he asked.

"You're an idiot," I said turning to leave.

"Why don't they talk to you?" Jake asked.

I stopped with my back to him. "What's it to you? To you, I'm just a filthy bloodsucker."

"Tell me," he said.

I sighed. It couldn't possibly hurt what little of a relationship that we had. "Because I'm in love with the true leader of the pack." I left the room after that. I took Carlisle's keys and went for a drive. Alice said after this battle with the newborns Jake and I would have our chance. That was a few weeks away. Time would only tell if things worked out for us.

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