Request: Emmett/OC

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A/N: This is a request from Shannon1300. "Emmett and I are girlfriend and boyfriend, and the Cullen family and I are going to fight against bad vampires, the Cullen's are loosing, bad vampire wants to attack me, Emmett runs over to me and protects me, gets injured by bad vampire, he cries in pain, the Cullen's and I take Emmett home to look after him and to get his injury better, I hug and kiss my boyfriend Emmett and tell him thanks for saving me, Emmett hugs and kisses me back, and I tell him I will look after him well for the next few days :) thank you so much:) and sorry for long description XD "


"Alice when are they coming?" I asked.

"In a few days," she replied.

"You don't think you're going to fight do you?" Mom, Rose asked. Rose had adopted me shortly after transformation. I was a hybred. My mother had the shifter gene of the local tribe, my father had been a vampire that took advantage of her. My mother died during the birthing process and shortly after Rose found me and took me in as her kid. I was half werewolf and half vampire, the only known of my kind.

"I'm protecting my family mom," I replied.

"You could get hurt," Bella said.

"We could all get hurt, that's why Jasper is training us," I replied. New borns were coming for Bella. The pack had agreed to help as I was one of them even though I was part vampire.

"I bet I can get more than you Shay," Emmett said.

"Is that why Jasper continually kicks your ass and I can on occasion beat him?" I asked teasing my boyfriend. He and I were both competitive. Edward chuckled at my remark, "I'll kick your ass too Eddie boy." Being a mix of wolf and vampire I was the strongest and fastest in the family. I also had a gift that was like a mix of Edward's and Alice's. I could sense people's futures by their thoughts if that made sense.

 I could sense people's futures by their thoughts if that made sense

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A/N: Wolf form above

The day of the battle rolled around and I was in the baseball field with the Cullens, Mom by my side, Emmett my boyfriend and mate on the other side. Edward and Bella were up somewhere on the mountain with Seth as protection. I would've sent someone with more experience in case something went wrong but Sam's intent was to keep him from the fight as he was just 13.

"Shannon, be careful, you're my only daughter," mom said.

"You be careful mom, you're my only mother," I replied hugging her as I heard them coming. The pack was hiding, waiting for the time to strike. The battle turned into a blur as new borns clashed with us. Soon the wolves came out and the numbers dwindled. I looked over at Emmett as I heard him grunt. He had one new born on each arm and one ready to take off his head.

I saw red and transformed and bit the head off the one ready to take his head off as the other two pulled his arms off. I turned to them as Emmett screamed in pain and I tore them to pieces. As soon as we were finished the battle I dashed behind a tree to change and get dressed again. I ran back over to Emmett.

"Emmett, oh my god," I couldn't conform a cohrent thought or sentence.

"They were about to attack you, I had to protect you," he replied.

I gave him a smile, "You're so sweet you idiot." I kissed him on the lips and got him on his feet and grabbed his limbs.

"Shannon, take Emmett back to the house. The Voultri are coming," Carlisle said. I nodded and the pair of us left. I got him to his room once home and pushed him into his couch.

"I'll take care of you Em, I'm your hands till you heal."

"Oh, this could be fun," he said smirking at me.

"You are a dirty minded old man," I said sitting in his lap. Emmett tells Alexa to play my favorite movie as I lean into him.

"Thanks for saving me by the way," I said wrapping my arms around his middle.

"I should be thanking you, you saved my ass," he said.

"And as soon as you're healed you're going to pay up," I said kissing him.

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