Dont Let Me Go

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Alaina stood outside late at night waiting for the boys to come back. She hadn't wanted to go hunting. She had better ideas. She wanted to spend her time at the boardwalk with Paul and the boys. But the boys were taking way too long. She sighed. It was almost sunrise. Where could they be? Alaina hoped they were okay. She decided to get some sleep and would look for them later.

Alaina woke up hours later. Still no boys. She went to the boardwalk calling their names. She was now worried as fuck. "Paul?! Marko?! David?! Dwayne?!" She called looking all over the boardwalk. She yelped. Max grabbed her. "You need to hide, Alaina. They've already killed them. They're coming for you next!" Max warned her. She shook her head. "They can't be dead, Max! Where are they?!" She yelled. He told her. She flew to the building where they were. She gasped. She saw Paul's body in the bathtub, then she saw David impaled on antlers, and Marko was staked. And Dwayne! He was in pieces. She felt tears escape her eyes. She would get revenge.

Alaina tracked down the two hunters who killed her lover and family. She ripped the first one apart limb by limb. Then she tore the second hunter starting with his throat and organs. She growled shredding blood everywhere. Max pulled her apart holding her sobbing body close. "I can save what I can of them, Laina. But you need to go home to the cave and get some rest." Max gave her a small push and she flew home. She sat perched on the rock inside the cave.

Alaina was busy with her life to even notice she was being watched by the boys who were still in the process of healing. She bit her lip trying to focus. "Damnit, Maria! Focus!" She laughed. "Sorry, Laina, it's hard to do this whole mind thing when you're new at this." She giggled. Alaina smiled, "Do you miss them?" Maria asked her. Alaina nodded. "Yeah, everyday, it's been different with them gone. Especially Paul, I still can't get his smile and blue eyes out of my head, sometimes I feel as if they're watching me." She said sadly. She bumped into someone. "Excuse me." She said not looking up as she walked out of the store.

Alaina began to walk to her bikes with her head down. She lifted her head up once she reached Paul's bike. She had been driving it since they were killed. She drove back to the cave. She climbed off as she made her way in, she heard music loudly coming from the rock box she swore she turned off before leaving. She snuck in only to be grabbed by Dwayne. She screamed trying to fight him. She didn't know who it was. "Chill, girl. It's us." Dwayne said putting her down. She blinked. "You're alive!" She helped tackling Marko and David. But where was Paul? She felt a kiss on her neck and knew it was Paul. She turned to him cupping his cheeks. "I missed you, so fucking much." She felt a tear run down her cheek. He grinned and wiped her tears. "We missed you too. We've been back awhile now, while we healed, we kept an eye on you." Paul smiled holding her close. "I'm not dreaming?" She asked

"Nope, not dreaming." David spoke. She smiled. "But how-" then she realized what Max had said previously. She smiled. She was glad to have her lover and family back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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