•Robin Buckley•

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Robin when you walk into Scoops

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Robin when you walk into Scoops.
"Hey dingus! I'm going on break!" Robin shouts through to Steve as she walks into the back of the ice cream parlour.
"Are you sure you wanna go on break right now?" Her best friend yells back. Her eyebrows furrow.
"Uh yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"Your girlfriend's just walked in." The boy with the magnificent hair called teasingly.
"I don't have a girlfriend, moron-oh..." Robin faltered as she spotted you walking up to the counter. You'd been coming in consistently for the last few weeks and Robin, disaster lesbian that she was, was absolutely infatuated with you. She went red as a tomato whenever you were within 5 feet of her and often lost the ability of speech. You scanned the shop and saw Robin. The joyful smile that you give her almost floors the girl as she scrambles to get back behind the counter, ignoring Steve's childlike giggling.
"Hey, Robin." You greet her softly.
"H-Hey." She stutters out and has to use all her self-restraint not to turn and slap her best friend round the head when he sniggers at her gay panic. "What can I get for you today?"
"Uh, actually, I didn't come in for ice cream today." Robin's nose scrunches minutely in the most adorable way at your words. You bite your lip nervously and wring your hands together. You'd been wanting to ask her out for weeks now, but had never found the courage to do so.
"Oh, ok. So...what's up?"
"I-uh. I was..." You trailed off, not knowing how to ask her. What if she didn't see you that way?
"Yeah?" She said quietly, trying to keep the blatant hope in her eyes out of her tone.
"Would you want to go to dinner sometime? See a movie maybe?" You rush out, taking a deep breath after and closing your eyes for a second. Robin looked shocked, her eyebrows shooting up to hide in her hairline. The silence made your heart thus sickeningly as you looked at her, waiting for her rejection.
"I'd love that." She breathes out after a moment. A breathless grin stretches her mouth as she gazes at you.
"Really?" You say, a hapless smile of your own spreading across your face.
"Yeah. Yeah I would."
"Whoop! Go Buckley!" Steve cheers from behind her. Robin's too happy to even roll her eyes at him.

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