The Portal

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Falling. I'm falling faster and faster by the second. I have no idea when I'm going to land. I don't know what to do. I see endless darkness. That portal must have killed me. I must have died. I wish I could see everyone one last time but I might, unless they died over those 4 years.
I heard voices.
Lord help me....

* Thud*
" Ow..." I said rubbing my head
I opened my e/c slowly and went wide-eyed. I'm back... I'm back at home. I leaned up instantly looking around shocked. I then got confused. I'm 18, but still in the same place? I am also wearing the same clothes as I left in.

 I'm 18, but still in the same place? I am also wearing the same clothes as I left in

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( that btw)
" H-hello?" I said
I was on my bed like Normal and stood up slowly. The ground has.. carpet? It was always wood. I walked slowly to the door opening it.
More carpet... I walked down the hall and looked where the kitchen used to be... But it's now, it's a cage?
I heard something meow and I looked down. Rin's cat? Kuro??
I picked him up rubbing his head
" I haven't seen you in years." I said confused
Wouldn't that mean rin is here somewhere?
" Where is rin? " I said confused
He frowned and I put him down. He went to the door and gave me a look. I walked over and opened the door. He then ran out
" K-Kuro! Wait!" I said running after him closing the door.
He ran down to... the grave yard? I looked confused and he ran down to a grave and stopped
I then almost tripped by the sudden movement.
" What..?" I said looking at kuro confused
He meowed sadly pointing with his paw to the letters.
' Yukio Okumura '
I started to get teary eyed and tears streamed down my cheeks.
" H-how.." I said I heard footsteps behind me and looked to see Rin.
" H-how..." I said crying
Rin looked like he was in his mid 20's
He helped me up
" Don't you remember?" he said setting the flowers next to it
" No.. I hit my head." I said trying to make up a lie in time.
" He got in a car wreck? Graduation day. You graduating the 12th grade. He drove to fast because he was late. Getting cake, that's why he wasn't there in the first place." Rin said wiping his own tears away.
I couldn't hold the tears and broke down shaking my head running off
I heard him distantly calling my name but I ran even faster.

I ran down to the school. It wasn't there..?
I saw a girl walking down the street. That's... That's the girl... Maka!
I ran down to her
" MAKA!" I said. She stopped and ran to hug me
" Girl! My trip to Dallas was awesome!" She said talking quickly but looked at my face shocked
" What's wrong?" she said
" Yukio... Y-Yuki... My Yuki." I said crying hard and she pulled me into her arms hugging me.
" I know... I know how you feel." she said stroking my hair
I then remembered what I got her attention for.
I pulled away slightly
" What happened to the school?" I said
" You don't remember?" She said confused
" H-Hit my head. Kind of forgot." I said looking away
She sighed
" That guy Aiden? Kody's dad? Burned the school." She said
My mouth dropped
" Why?!" I said wiping tears away
" I don't know. I think he said it was for Kody. So he burned it to ashes. " She said shrugging
" S-Speaking of Kody... Where is he?" I said
" You don't remember anything do you? He works at a skateboard store." She said
I thanked her and ran off leaving her confused

I reached the skateboard store. This is the only one I know, if he's not here. I'm dead. I peaked through the window and saw... him...
He had red hair.. But his green eyes looked... Dull from here.
I opened the door and saw all kinds of boards
" Welcome to Legendary Skateboards." Kody a said rearranging boards

( his hair looks like that)He was wearing a gray shirt with some ripped jeans and sneakers

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( his hair looks like that)
He was wearing a gray shirt with some ripped jeans and sneakers. Same old kody would wear the same thing. I scratched the back of my head
" H-hey.." I said
he then stopped not looking at me
He then looked over at me shocked
" W-why do shocked?" I said biting my lip
" I haven't seen you... Since we were 14..." he said getting teary eyed.
He then went over to me hugging me tightly. I hugged him back tight
" Wait.. what do you mean you haven't?" i said now breaking the hug
" The ones who saw you last? Remembers. Me and dad saw you last. We remember." he said
" Why did he burn up the school..." I said
" He didn't... I-i did.. I was so messed up.. I burned up the school. Dad took the blame for it." He said looking down slightly
" Messed up?" I said
" You walked through that portal? You came back as a new person. You weren't even you. You were hateful towards me and dad. You even became best friends with Maka." He said
" The only way I know it's the real you? Is because you are wearing the same thing as you left. " He said smiling
" You looked dead inside when I swear you through the window..." I said
" Yeah, We broke up. Well you said we should, so we did. You dated my whole group of friends and everything. You weren't you. At all." He said
I started getting teary eyed slightly
" Then... Why was I in endless darkness? I don't remember any of this." I said confused
" Go to prison and ask dad." He said now emotionless
" PRISON?" I said shocked
" Yeah... Kinda had to go to jail for that." He said smiling sheepishly
I groaned
" I missed all of this in 4 years?" I said
" Basically, You missed 4 years of your life being a different person." He said
I hate portals...

SOOOO HOW WAS IT? I tried the best I could. So that's it BYEEESSS

 So that's it BYEEESSS

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