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(hello bitches I'm back with another chapter for yall hope ya'll like the piece of shit I wrote have more coming your way~ agian~~ XD)

Jungkook passes out, going limp into namjoon's arms.

"That's my name baby~," he says caressing the limp boy's hair.


Later jungkook woke up at the nursery room."w-where am I?"He sits up rubbing his eyes with a pout. Taehyung rushed to jungkook pepper kissing his face."I thought you were dead!"Taehyung tears up"for 6 fucking ours till you woke up, its 1 pm. Man I wanna fucking punch you but hug you at the same time!"taehyung says hugging jungkook tightly

Jimin and yoongi also went inside going to im "Gah! what happened"yoongi ask with a laugh." you have to spill once we get off," jimin says hugging jungkook." oh yeah... I will"jungkook giggles.

Namjoon walks in with a smirk."He fell down the stairs getting the boxes, lucky I have seen the lights on the would've been down there for hours"namjoon lied leaning on the head bored with his hands in his pocket.

"That is not what happens-"jungkook says before namjoon cuts him off "Guys he should rest more ill stay watching," he says looking at them with a smile; taehyung,yoongi and jimin nods.

"yeah im still in roll ill see you later kook"yoongi smiles and kisses his forehead, leaving." same~ spill the tea~,"taehyung says kissing jungkook cheek, leaving.

"ill see you at your place k, baby," jimin says kissing jungkook. Jungkook giggles kissing back. Jimin pulls away and leaves the room.

Namjoon glared at jungkook closing the doot, walking to him slowly"I thought you weren't gay" he frowns going closer" get away from me!"jungkook yells trying to back away. He stands up moving from namjoon.

"ah, ~ baby~ why would u, I've waited for this~"namjoon walks closer grabbing jungkook's waist tightly causing jungkook to whimper. Jungkook cried out of how tight namjoon's grip was.

Namjoon leaned in for a kiss but jungkook knee'd him running out the room. He ran for his life, the halls were empty he passed he turned corners running bumping into co-workers. Namjoon walked faster being respectful as if he isn't doing anything.

Jungkook jumped, slid, ducked and moved over things under and around. Once he has seen jimin's office he'd been pulled and slammed onto the wall causing him to whine. He struggled.

Namjoon started choking jungkook causing a bruise. Jungkook moaned out and gasped for air. Jungkook had bruises on his waist, neck, arms. Jungkook kicked namjoon with the rest of the strength he had. 

He ran to jimin's office knocking on the door"Jimin! Baby!"jungkook knocked on the door.No answer. He sighed seeing namjoon walk to him."jimin! daddy~!"jungkook said hearing jimin say"come in"

Jungkook went in but screams when he gets yanked back and pulls back running inside shutting the door. He looked at jimin panting.

Jimin takes his headphones off and stands quickly"what was that!?"jimn yelled hugging jungkook close. Jungkook cried into his chest and pulled away showing the bruises on his neck and his waist and his arms.

Jimin was pissed." who was it?..... WHO WAS IT!?"jimin yelled making jungkook flinch"n-namjoon.."jungkook answers looking down"h-he followed me and choked me slamming me onto the wall and tried to-"jungkook was cut off by a knock on the door.

"come in," jimin says pushing jungkook to a seat sitting him down. Namjoon walks in." sir I needed the papers from you, "namjoon says looking at jungkook making him whimper and back away into the chair.

"ah~ right"jimin nods noting jungkook's reaction and get the papers" here ya go" he gives the files to namjoon

Namjoon bows and leaves with a wink at jungkook.Jungkook was terrified. He was crying and shaking. Jimin knew what was up but not all the way. Jimin and jungkook were friends with benefits.

jimin hugged jungkook"im sorry kookie ill file hile, remember im moving jobs to another building I can't do much," he says sadly and kisses jungkooks cheek. He puts cream on jungkook's bruises. 

"Boss wanted you when you woke up, you should go,k?"jimin says moving jungkooks hair out the way and kisses him deeply.

Jungkook kisses back and pulls away and stands to leave walking to his boss's office.

Jungkook knocked on the door walking in from the "come in"

"sir  you wanted me"jungkook bows."yes,namjoon and you will be living together in a mansion. From now on he's always by your side. And you missed your fan meeting its rescheduled. You need protection,jimin is no longer work in this area but in Seoul, Hopefully, you and namjoon are close"Lucas says making jungkook heart drop.

Jungkook nods and bows leaving. He wanted to cry.

sigh,' someone kill me' 

Back at it again feeding you guys some shit on the today~~ ^^


Wellll hello~ loves hope you liked this chapter make sure you follow and vote to make sure you read more I don't bite~....or maybe I do~ ~.^


And comment, what character you wanna choose to be in the next chapter?

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