Verse 2

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I remember the nights

Caught up dreaming in my goodbyes

You awoke to hear voices in the hallway, right outside your door.

Watching the door

For anything more

Than an ordinary life

"Mr. Hamada, please prove your robot to be of help once again to our hospital," you heard your doctor say. "Whaddya say, Baymax?" a surprisingly younger voice asked. "Yes, doctor. Of course. We will do our best." a robotic voice replied. "Hey, um... Baymax... Wait outside for a little. I... Don't wanna freak her out, I guess." The voice began to sound a little embarrassed. Huh, you thought to yourself, I wonder who they're here to see. "She's right in here." Wait... Me? Sure enough, there was a knock on your door. You yanked the earbuds out. "Come in..." you tried yelling, although it came out as more of a raspy call. The door slid open, revealing Dr. Fujiwara, and... a boy? You mentally raised an eyebrow. The boy was short, about 5 feet tall, and had messy, black hair, parts of which covered his face. He wore a blue hoodie that covered a red t-shirt, and long, beige shorts. So this was... "Mr. Hamada"? Your eyes locked with his for a split second, then you looked back at Dr. Fujiwara, cheeks reddening a little.

I remember the days

New beginnings on an open page

His eyes... They were considerably large for a boy. He had chestnut irises that seemed to blend in with his giant pupils. "Hello, (Y/N), how are you today?" You could only nod a little, hinting that you were still feeling alright. "Ah, yes, this is Mr. Hamada, and..." He turned around, almost expecting someone to be there. The boy zoned out, unintentionally staring at you. "Mr. Hamada? Are you ready to bring Baymax inside?" The doctor asked, unimpressed. "O-oh!" He blinked a couple of times and bit his lip, trying to hide a blush. "Um... Yup, Baymax, you can come on in now." Mr. Hamada looked outside the door. Squeaks could be heard echoing throughout the hallway. A big, marshmallow-like "thing" tried to walk through the doorway, but had to turn sideways and squeeze itself through. It waddled over to you and stood next to you. "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." You squealed a little in shock (late reaction), knocking over the glass of water onto Mr. Hamada.

With something to prove

And nothing to lose

Not a soul to betray

"Ahh!" Your eyes widened as you quickly sat up, grabbing a clean towel off the table. "OhmygoshI'msosorryareyouokay?" was all you could say as your face reddened and you handed him the towel. The boy laughed with a hint of annoyance. His expression then softened. "Yeah. I'm fine, thanks." A wave of relief washed over you as he gently took the towel and began dabbing it on his soaked shirt. He placed the cup and the damp towel on the table. "By the way, you can just call me Hiro." Hiro smiled at you. You now noticed the gap between his two front teeth. Even you had to admit his toothy smile was rather cute. "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."

Here I am

Living a dream that I can't hold

Here I am on my own

"Any signs of improvement?" Dr. Fugiwara looked at you, impatiently ready to type onto the laptop. "I'm afraid no changes yet, besides the fact that my throat is getting worse." Hiro lightly tapped the doctor on the shoulder, "Please don't worry, doctor, I think Baymax can take it from here," he said proudly, and gave Dr. Fujiwara his signature smile. Even the doctor couldn't say no. "O- of course. I'll leave (Y/N) in your care. There is another patient here for urgent care." The gray-haired man left the clipboard with all the notes down on the side table, adjusted his glasses, and brisk walked out of the room.

"My apologies for frightening you earlier, (Y/N)." The robot began. "I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." Hiro poked Baymax's squishy, marshmallow stomach and added, "Baymax is here to get his... Medical degree, I guess?" You raised an eyebrow. "How do robots get a medical degree?" Hiro explained that his brother, Tadashi, programmed Baymax to be a nurse robot and to heal the sick and injured. "Amazing," you whispered, "so he's just programmed to know what to do?" Hiro chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Baymax continued, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" You groaned and replied, "Somewhere around ten thousand." "My apologies, the number, 'ten thousand', is not a number on the registered scale," the robot replied, very matter-of-factly. Hiro facepalmed and tapped Baymax on his puffy shoulder. "She's feeling like a ten, Baymax. A ten." Hiro smiled at you and shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I see," Baymax blinked, "I am very sorry that you are feeling like a ten. I will now proceed to scan the notes Dr. Fujiwara left to check for relatable diseases on my database."

"You're not... Hot or anything? Do you need something to drink? Something to eat?" You giggled a little, flattered that he seemed to care for you so much. "I guess I feel a little hot..." you said teasingly while he was turned away. "Oh! Um..." Hiro's head immediately turned back in your direction, reluctantly reached a hand out towards your face, the back of his palm pressing against your cheek. Your eyes went wide and you blushed a deep red. "Uh, Baymax? Her face is all red now!" Hiro took his hand away, and worriedly looked at Baymax. The vinyl robot turned to where you laid, and scanned you. "Scan complete." Baymax turned to Hiro. "(Y/N)'s body temperature is currently higher due to faster blood flow throughout her upper body, especially her face," the robot reported. "Diagnosis: embarrassment." Baymax turned back, continuing to scan the rest of the notes. Hiro blushed a light pink, and you laughed. It was the first time you had laughed in months after being admitted into the hospital. "Hey, Hiro," You slowly raised your hand and poked his cheek, "there is something I would like." Hiro's expression brightened. "Okay, what can I get you? Um... a pillow maybe? Or..." You used all your energy and sat up, panting and leaning against the metal bed frame, then turned so that you were sitting with your feet dangling off the side of the bed. "H-hey!" Hiro grabbed your shoulders as you began to cough again, "don't stress yourself." You gave him a slight smile. "Sit with me," you said, almost childishly. "Um... Sure?" Hiro awkwardly sat down on the bed a few centimeters away from you. You slowly shuffled over to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. Hiro bit his lip, trying not to smile, and turned away. "Are you sure you don't mind?" you giggled, closing your eyes for a few seconds. "A- as long as it makes you feel better, I guess..." The dark haired boy turned back to look at you, smiling. You closed your eyes again, feeling warm ... And feeling your heart skip a few beats.

On top of the world

On top of it all

Trying to feel invincible

A tear rolled down your cheek, onto Hiro's hoodie.

Of regret.

Of comfort.

Of happiness.

I'm dying on top of the world.

Top of the World (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now