Stormy Weather

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"How would of things been if Lloyd wasn't the Green Ninja?"

"We'd probably hate his guts... Knowing where he came from..."

Lloyd couldn't believe his ears... Tears filling up in his eyes as he heard the rest of his team talking to each other... He had just gotten back from an away mission in Jemonicai Village, so excited to be with his family of friends again. Only to come back to this...

On his way back, he had gotten a cake to share... Wanting to show them how much they meant to him. but as he stepped into the room to surprise them, he walked in on their conversation. Never expecting anything like this, having worked and trained along their side for two years... And now, he was hearing the only reason they were his friends... Was because he was the Green Ninja?

The plate that held the cake, made a large noise when it hit the ground... The cake smashing onto the floor as he had dropped it in shock, gaining the groups attention.

"Oh..." Zane smiled, the Nindroid never being that great at tact. "Welcome home, Lloyd."

Kai looked at him as color drained from his face. Kai... The one who he had considered as his Big brother... The words that came out of his mouth... So casual... It shook the green eyed hero to the core.

"Oohhh..." Cole cringed from his seat, "Was... Was that for us?"

Lloyd moved his mouth, wanting to say something... Wanting to scream at them for their lies... Why didn't he see it sooner..? How could he have been so naive..? So blind..? He wanted to ask why... But no words came out.

"Lloyd..." Nya stood up from her seat, with a concerned look on her face. "... How much... Of our conversation did you hear?"

He took a deep breath, letting his hands fall to his sides. Looking down at the ruined cake he had gotten for them, then back at them with a glare.

"Enough..." Lloyd said with great venom in his voice and began to storm off.

They were quick to act, for as soon as he turned to leave, there was a loud clatter of people getting, and calling for him to stop or come back. But he didn't want to listen... He should've known they were too good to be true... And they were like everyone else... They only cared about him once he benefited them...

"Lloyd! Lloyd, Stop!" Kai managed to catch up and grab his shoulder, turning him around to look at him. Tears welling up in the Fire ninja's amber eyes. "Listen... It's not what you think..."

"Yeah, we were just talking!" Jay called from behind him.

"Talking about how things would be if I wasn't 'Chosen'!?" Lloyd snapped at them. "How you wouldn't be my friends if I wasn't!?"

"I..." Kai looked around... Unable to deny what Lloyd had gotten across. "When you put it like that... It sounds REALLY bad..."

"I thought we HAD something!" Lloyd shouted. "But I guess it was only an act to keep your PRECIOUS Green Ninja around!"

"Lloyd! That's not True!" Cole objected.

"I won't put up with this for another minute longer!" Lloyd barked, hot tears streaming down his face. "I'll just go and LEAVE cause you guys hate my guts so much!"

Lloyd shoved Kai away and stormed out of the Monastery, heading for the door to leave. Only for Kai to come running out after him.

"Lloyd! Wait!" Kai held his hand out to stop him. "I didn't mean it! Please! ... We love you little bro..."

Lloyd held back his tears, wanting to turn around and believe them. But he had been played for the fool too many times... and he was done being someone else's pawn.

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