Aid from the Skies

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Pain... His entire body ached with pain... Reaching from his head all the way down to his toes... Pain that seemed to suck out all of his energy, and only make the Green Ninja desire sleep...


But he couldn't... There was some reason why... What he needed to do was open his eyes, and get to safety... Trying to pry his eyes open, they felt like they were weighed down by bricks, and his limbs felt numb to any commands he gave them.

Wake up...

Finally, Lloyd was able to peel back his eyelids... Only to find himself in serious danger, as he was effortlessly falling from the sky... Stormy weather all around him, with his GI slightly burnt, and several burns on his skin... The lightning strike... Oh sweet Spinjitzu he was struck by lightning! Now he was falling to his death! If the lightning didn't screw him in, this would...

He swirled around to face the ground that seemed to be hurdling towards him. He had to summon his Elemental Dragon now, or he'd end up as Street Pizza. Yet the pain shooting through his body made the task seem nearly impossible, darkness coming in through the edges of his vision, he tried his best the push it away and focus on flight.

To take flight... Come on, Come on...

Just before he was about the tree tops of the forest below, he managed to summon his dragon underneath him. The beast catching him, and struggling to keep flight, as it focused on trying to land safely. almost crashing into trees on the way down.

Lloyd mustered all the strength he could to keep his dragon existent. Clutching onto it, as it located a cave like shelter... Dipping inside, Lloyd finally released the dragon and flopped to the ground unceremoniously, sending a shock wave of pain down his spine.


He laid there stunned for a few minutes, letting the cold wind blow over his soaking wet form. And he wasn't sure if he had maybe drifted in and out on consciousness, but he did his best to stay awake, curling up because of the pain and the sheer cold he could not escape. Wondering and wishing his team would find him soon.

Oh... Wait... They have no idea where he is...

Lloyd wanted to cry, realizing the mess he had got himself into... Now he was cold, wet, and tired... And the pain, First Spinjitzu Master... It just refused to go away. And he doubted he could keep his dragon summoned long enough to make it back to the monastery. Trying to get up, the pain only seemed to increase with every movement he made, so walking was out of the question... All he really could do is try to get some sleep and hope someone would find him.

Then again, he couldn't get comfortable enough to fall asleep. With the tingling pain shooting up his limbs, and the burning sensations on his skin, it seemed absolutely hopeless... And he was just so tired... so he just sat there and sobbed.

He was certain he was going to die out here, all because he refused to listen to his friends.

"Oh, First Spinjitzu Master..." Lloyd blubbered out a quiet yet humble prayer. "Please... Don't let me die here... Please, help me..."



Kai rode on his dragon, flying through the morning sky. In search of his younger brother. He hadn't stopped worrying about him, ever since he ran from the Monastery that evening. And he had gotten even more concerned when a terrible storm had rolled in, and Lloyd had yet to return.

'If he even planned on returning...'

He had wanted to go out that night to find him, but Zane had dubbed the skies too dangerous for flying. And wisely informed the group, that Lloyd probably had found shelter out there from the storm, waiting it out. And that they should wait it out themselves.

But once the morning came and the sun was out, he was out there searching.

He couldn't help but feel like this was his fault, he was the one that had sent Lloyd packing. And Kai swore he would never forgive himself if something happened to that Green Machine because of him. Lloyd had every right to be mad, and all Kai could do, was hope that his friend wasn't emotionally troubled enough to fly through that terrible storm.

"Found Anything?" Cole came riding up beside Kai on his Dragon.

"Not yet..." Kai shook his head, but then saw something out of the ordinary from the forest below. "Wait! Down here!"

Flying down into the woods, they came across several trees that seemed to have been broken by something large, investigating the area, in hopes this damage was caused only by the storm. But Kai couldn't shake the idea, that it looked like some sort of crash landing.

"Kai! Over here!" Cole called from a nearby cave.

Running over, he spotted Cole kneeling over what looked to be some sort of liquid, staining the ground beneath him. Cole rubbing some of it between his fingers, as if to figure out what it was.

"It's blood..." Cole said in a very cautious tone, Kai coming over to investigate himself. "Human, best that I can guess..."

"Y-You're not saying..." Kai's eyes went wide in fear.

"Don't... I don't wanna think it..." Cole interrupted. "We need to get Zane here..."

Kai wasted no time, and it wasn't long before the whole group was in that cave, Zane examining the blood.

"It matches what I have listed for Lloyd's DNA..." Zane frowned, not liking this news at all. "Mostly coming from burn wounds due to the state of the cells... My best guess is... Lightning..."

Everyone turned their heads to Jay.

"I SWEAR!" Jay held up his hands. "I wouldn't DARE hurt Lloyd in any shape or form! Let alone have lightning hit him!"

"So..." Nya began to ask what all of them where thinking. "Is... Is he-"

"No..." Zane shook his head. "Though most of this dates back to last night... Some of it is fresh... He must've spent the night here..."

"So... Where is he now?" Cole asked. "I mean, if the kid was stuck by lighting... I doubt he'd be able to get up the next morning and walk it off..."

"I... I don't know..." Zane frowned.

"So you're saying... Not only is Lloyd hurt... But someone's kidnapped him!?" Kai wanted to scream.

"Not someone..." Nya lifted up a scale in the cave. "Some THING..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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