The God of Makeouts


Summary:They're standing in the middle of the hallway of their high school, as is customary, talking about their weekends.


They're standing in the middle of the hallway of their high school, as is customary, talking about their weekends.

"Shawn, my friend," Cory says, slinging his arm across Shawn's shoulders, "I had a very successful date with the lovely Topanga."

Shawn has that I-am-genuinely-happy-for-you-especially-since-I-didn't-expect-any-woman-would-want-you-ever-but-than-again-Topanga-has-always-been-really-weird look in his face, but that is quickly replaced by something much more self-satisfied. "I had two very successful dates with three lovely ladies."

"How is that even—you know what? Never mind. All that matters is that I am the God of Makeouts."

Shawn laughs at him. "You can't be the God of Makeouts. I am Shawn Hunter. I am widely recognized as the God of Makeouts. So I'm sure you're good and all, Cor, but I'm better."

Cory Matthews, God of Makeouts, will not stand for this. "Prove it."

Shawn looks at him, crosses his arms, and then looks at him some more. "Fine."

"FINE. Wait. What do you mean? You're not going to ask Topanga, are you? Topanga should not be involved."

"Of course not. That would be weird. No, we're going to make out."

"GOOD." Then the rest of Shawn's sentence catches up with Cory's brain. "You mean—us?" Cory clutches his books to his chest, looks from side to side. "Here?"

"No, you idiot. The bathroom." And then Shawn's dragging him down the hall and pushing open the door and shoving him into a bathroom stall and attacking Cory with his mouth.

It isn't like kissing Topanga at all. In one second Cory finds that Shawn is all suave aggression and hard boyness; he can understand for the moment what all the girls see in Shawn Hunter, but he also tastes like potato chips and feels like Cory's best friend. The girls don't get that part of him, only Cory does, and Cory feels something then that he's not sure he wants to think about, and then the second is over and Cory realizes he's supposed to be kissing back, supposed to be proving something, so he does. He kisses back the best he can, the only way he knows how, which is with pure honest emotion, and that makes it different from the way he kisses Topanga, because he loves Shawn in a different way. But the thing is he loves Shawn so he kisses him with that, and it seems that Shawn likes it, the way his hand is moving up the back of Cory's shirt. Then again, maybe he's just trying really hard to be God of Makeouts, but honestly that's not even really on Cory's mind anymore. Then Shawn makes a noise in his throat and the vibration hums through him and he's not thinking anything at all, except perhaps the beginnings of a consideration about the possible awkwardness of sticking his hand down the front of his best friend's pants.

And then the bell rings.

They jump apart, and Cory watches Shawn wipe at his mouth, thinks that Shawn's lips still look kind of red, that maybe he might want to kiss Shawn again. But then Shawn runs a hand through his hair, all typical gorgeous Shawn Hunter, Cory's best friend Shawn Hunter, and it sinks in, all the things Cory's been thinking.

"Topanga must never hear of this. Nobody can ever hear of this."

Shawn just laughs and walks out ahead of him. "Come on, Cor. Don't want Feeny yelling at us."

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