As We Go Along


Summary:The phone call came on the morning of December 27th, just as Cory was pouring himself a cup of hot cocoa to help him wake up.



"Hey Cory, it's me."

"Oh, hey Eric," Cory answered. "Something go wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong," Eric laughed. "Why would you think that?"

"Because this is you we're talking about?" Cory suggested. "Or just because I didn't expect to hear from you for a few days. Aren't you having fun?"

"Yeah, dude, that's totally why I called you. You gotta see this."

"See what?" Cory was used to his brother's habit of starting conversations in the middle, but that didn't make it any easier to understand when he was being exasperatingly vague.

"This place, man, it's unbelievable. It's huge, and it's just - dude, you gotta come see it."

The place in question was the home of the Wittners, a couple who was close friends with Jack's stepfather and had asked Jack and Eric to housesit for them while they went to Europe for the holidays. Since they were just as rich as Jack's stepfather, Cory found it easy to believe that their house was impressive. He was intrigued by the invitation, but that didn't mean that he could accept.

"Eric, it's out on Cape Cod," Cory reminded him, knowing Eric could sometimes get confused about where he was.

"Yeah, I know," Eric said defensively. "Just drive out, it's not that far, and stay for a few days. They won't mind. Bring Shawn with you. Don't you think he and Jack should spend the holidays together, huh?"

He had a point, although Cory wasn't going to admit that just yet. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Let me talk to Jack," Cory insisted.

"Oh, fine, sure," Eric grumbled, but handed the phone off to his roommate.

"Hey Cory, Eric and I thought it would be cool if you and Shawn came over for New Year's."

"And you're sure that the Wittners won't mind?"

"No, just as long as you don't make a mess - and I trust you guys in that regard more than I trust Eric."

Cory heard an indignant "Hey!" in the background, but he and Jack both ignored it. "Okay, yeah, that'll be great."

He called Shawn and informed him of their new plans. Shawn was excited, both by the prospect of getting out of town and hanging out with Cory and Jack. Cory's parents, however, were significantly less thrilled about the idea.

"You want to go to Massachusetts for New Year's?" Alan repeated incredulously when Cory brought the matter to them for their approval.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"You're too young to be on your own for that long," Amy fussed.

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