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Let's Do It


Cory needs to figure things out.


New York was another world in the fall, but not completely unpleasant. Shawn curled and uncurled his fists in the pockets of his worn jean jacket, muttering to himself about how stupid it had been not to take the train back - of course, he knew that he didn’t really want to take the train, he wanted to walk with the wind at his back pushing him forward to his empty little studio apartment where he could write like a proper artist. He knew if he had any shred of artistic integrity left he would have done just that, but instead he walked the same route he always did.

Cory and Topanga had a nice little apartment for the area, better than the dorms had been at least, and it was nice to be part of them even when he wasn’t part of their little unit. When he let himself into the apartment, it was surprisingly quiet - no blaring music or even TV, just Cory sitting on their sofa with what may have once been a smirk on his face. “Hey, you’re home.” Shawn spoke without inflection, trying to get a read on the situation.

“Yeah.” Cory answered, looking up as the corners of his mouth turned into a soft smile. “I bought a car.”

“You bought a car?”

“I bought a car.” His smile widened and he rose to his feet, taking his friend by the hand and then dragging him to the front window. “Look, look… right there, to the left of the fire escape.”

“The red one?”

“No, no - before that. The one with the cat on the hood.” Cory’s grip tightened on Shawn’s hand excitedly, “Isn’t it great!”

“Is that a T-Bird?” Shawn chuckled, shaking his head.

“Not just any T-Bird.” Cory giggled, clearly resisting the urge to bounce. “A green 1966 Thunderbird convertible in almost perfect condition.”

“It’s a car.” Shawn chuckled, smiling if nothing else for Cory’s enthusiasm.

“It isn’t just a car.” Cory said, giving his hand another tight squeeze. “Doesn’t that ring a bell? I know you know this one… we saw the movie together…”


“Oh come on! Thelma and Louise! Remember? They drive the car over the edge… a poignant tale that changed my life as a young adolescent?”

“Oh! Oh yeah!” It made sense, this was Cory… and the Matthews gene pool wasn’t exactly known for doing normal. “That’s pretty awesome. I can’t believe Topanga let you buy a classic…”

“She sort of doesn’t know yet.” Cory shrugged, pressing his face against the window like he was ten years old again. “But isn’t it amazing?”

“Oh man.” Shawn sighed, letting out a soft chuckle, “Yeah, it’s something.”

“That’s not all.” Cory turned back to him with that smile that could only mean they were about to get in trouble and possibly have an afterschool special moment.

“Do tell, my friend.” Shawn couldn’t help but return the grin.

“No, you have to guess. Three clues. Number one, maple trees. Number two, dairy farms. And number three…” He held up a set of keys with a great big maple leaf keychain. “Me, you, and the countryside.”

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