Chapter 14: Don't Say A Word

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Tom sighed with relief as he reached his next class. So far, Ethan had done a good job of becoming his bodyguard. But Tom couldn't help but wonder the confrontation that was going on somewhere in the halls. He silently prayed that Ethan didn't get hurt, because an upset Tord could be a problem.

A minute passed, then Ethan tumbled into the classroom. The teacher paused from typing on her computer to stare confusedly at the boy. He gave her and awkward smile, hesitated for a bit, then said, "Sorry, Miss, I was helping out one of the soccer coaches with something."

The teacher frowned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Very well, Mr. Gomez. But don't be late next time, or that'll be a detention."

Ethan nodded his thanks and slipped into the seat beside Tom, still panting.

"Erm, how'd it go?" Asked Tom nervously.

"Um....I'll tell you about it during l-lunch." Ethan stammered, gulping. He averted his gaze and started at the teacher, who had begun the lecture.

So Tom and Ethan traveled to each class, looking out for the haired horn Tord each time. Twice the commie had tried to approach them, but he seemed off, as if he didn't want to try anymore. Again, Tom wondered about the exchange between him and Ethan, however Tom put it into the back of his mind for now. He just had to wait until lunch.

Lunch approached faster than Tom realized, and he found himself sitting on a table with Ethan, the two friends face-to-face. Tom was eating a salad, while Ethan was staring nervously at his sack lunch, which was a sandwich and some chips, with a bottle of red Gatorade. Tom arched an eyebrow at him when the two made eye contact. Ethan sighed, pushing his food away and rubbing his face.

"You really want to know...?" Ethan asked.

"Duh." Tom rolled his eyes. "I'm not allowed to be curious, or what?"

"Never heard the saying about that cat before?" Ethan shot back.

"'Curiosity killed the cat?'" Tom questioned. When Ethan nodded, Tom smirked and added the second part to it, 'But satisfaction brought it back.'

Ethan rolled his hazel eyes, but then gave up and sighed. "I guess you do deserve to know about it-"

"No, he doesn't." A rough, scratchy voice cut off Ethan. Tom looked up, his eyes widening in surprise.

It was Tord.

His eyes were narrowed into furious silver slits, his face contorted in anger and rage. He swept Ethan's open Gatorade bottle off the table, where it bounced on the tiled floor, spilling red liquid all over the floor. Tom winced as the now empty bottled rolled across the floor until it stopped directly at his feet, some of the red drink still dripping from the opening.

"You have no right to tell him anything, no matter how bad he wants to know." Tord snarled at Ethan, who flinched back involuntarily as Tord advanced on him. Tord glanced at Tom, and whispered with a bit of fear etched into his voice, "It could kill me."

"What's so bad about it?" Tom spoke up, surprised at himself. He'd told himself not to utter a single word to Tord, because when he looked at his pained expression he felt nothing but sympathy and his chest contracted. He didn't want to feel like this anymore because he was afraid of his feelings for Tord. He didn't know how to express them, how to make it better with him. However every time he tried to admit to himself he felt that way about Tord, a small ember of fear for what Tord had done in the past bursted into flames, and it made his head hurt fiercely. He wasn't ready to experience that. Not every day.

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