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My body instantly reacts to their touch as I begin to tremble.

No! This isn't right.

My hands land on theirs and try to pry their exploring hands off my body but this only encourages them as they tighten their hold while Vincent teasingly slides his foot up higher.

Their strong hold would most likely leave a mark behind and I huff at that while once again trying to stop them. Roman suddenly moves his hand extremely close to my private area and I find myself heating up, my face turning beet red.

I lift my head up and muster up the meanest glare I can, but Roman just smirks, clenching my flesh in his hand. The other two brothers also smirk, my discomfort giving them pleasure.

I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from making embarrassing sounds but the three brothers gaze seems to follow my tiny movement, their eyes instantly darkening.

Someone clears their throat loudly and I jump up, breaking eye contact with the brothers.

I turn my head towards the source of the sound and find none other than Alexander. Alexander looks at his sons instead of me, somehow silently communicating.

After a few seconds of the uncomfortable and amusing silent communication, the brothers finally remove their hands and feet away from me. Their shoulders sag as they begin to sulk and glare down at their plates, their bottom lips almost jutting out into a cute pout.

Alexander passes me a knowing smile as of he knew exactly what was going on under the table.

"Ciao, famiglia! Miss me?" An over enthusiastic voice greets, almost offending me because who is this happy in the morning? Not me for sure.

The brothers let out groans, immediately recognizing the voice.

"How are you, my boy? It's been so long." Alexander gets up from his seat and greets the new guest. I turn around and try to get a good look at the person.

Holy mother of sweet Jesus!

My eyes widen as I take in a large man greeting Alexander behind me. The man had wavy jet black hair, beautiful hazel eyes and a jaw sharp enough to cut me. His muscles bulged out in his tight button up shirt while his long legs and ass were covered with tight black trousers.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing many pieces of beautiful ink art work which also peeked out from his shirt at his neck.

I gulp, shamelessly checking him out I find myself in a trance until a hand hit my inner thigh lightly in a warning and I let out a squeak.

I turn around and find the brothers glaring at me. I give them a questioning look and they clench their jaws, a warning and threat dancing in their eyes as a scowl takes over their faces.

"Hello, my favorite cousins." The man greets and I eagerly look up to steal another glance, but automatically look down, the brothers scowls scaring me and a part of me ends up feeling embarrassed about being caught checking the guy out.

"We are your only cousins, Dimitri." Vincent seeths out through clenched teeth.

Why does he look so sexy when he's mad?

"You're no fun." Dimitri pouts while taking a seat next to Vincent.

"Stella, Bella, meet my brother's son Dimitri." Alexander introduces us and I offer him a smile, too awkward to say anything.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Dimitri." I instantly cringe when I hear my mother's sultry voice.

Even Dimitri looks taken back by the tone of my mother, but Alexander and the brothers look unaffected.

Possessive Stepbrothers Where stories live. Discover now