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My breath hitches as I feel Roman's hand slither down my waist, pulling me closer, and then resting his soft lips on the crook of my neck. I gulp down the fear and excitement that tries to push through.

He starts leaving a trail of feather-light kisses causing me to let out a moan. This only encourages him and his kisses become open-mouthed, leaving a wet trail on my neck.

"Roman." I hiss out his name to hide the pleasure overtaking me. Roman instantly spins me around to face him and I feel my heart pounding against my chest.

I make eye contact with his lust-filled eyes that have darkened and find butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach as I get a good look at all the inappropriate promises his eyes held.

Roman lifts his hand to place on my cheek and then begins caressing my face, his gentle touch contrasting his masculine and calloused hand.

"Tell me, what do you want Bella?" His husky voice questions, causing tremors to rake through me. His voice held the slightest bit of accent when my name rolled off his tongue and I couldn't help but be affected by it. But the affect of his voice was replaced by his question.

What do I want? In all honesty, I don't know the answer.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. My thoughts overpower one another and begin to puzzle me. The intensity of his stare also didn't help, making me nervous. He made me nervous.

"I am waiting, babygirl. I won't do anything until you tell me what you want." His seductive voice held certain promises that fueled the nervousness so I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"I want... pancakes!" I rushed out, my eyes widening due to the preassure.

Roman's mouth fell open and he tried to say something, but nothing came out most likely due to shock.

Okay, I've done it! I've left him speechless. Why am I so stupid?

"You want pancakes?" He questions me slowly, as if trying to comprehend. Embarrassed, I meekly nod my head, not knowing what else to reply with.

He stares at me dumbfounded before finally letting out a low chuckle. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

"Um, no. It's fine, I can make pancakes at my place." I quietly state, trying to get out of this embarrassing situation as fast as possible.

"No, I want to make them for you." Roman juts out his bottom lip, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"You know how to cook?" I find myself curiously asking.

"Well, aren't you being a little judgemntal, Bella? Just because I'm a man does not mean I don't know how to cook." I feel my stomach dropping as I look at Roman who seems genuinely hurt. For a second I think I see humor in his eyes but it disappears as fast as it appears.

I violently shake my head in denial. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry, please don't be sad."

Roman peeks at me through his thick lashes, his lips curving into a lazy smile. I begin to feel uneasy all of a sudden.

"Okay, I won't take offense for you judging me, but you have to do something in return." He states, a mischevious look dancing in his eyes.

I bite my lip, unsure about whether he's serious or he's just teasing me. Noticing my inner battle, Roman quickly looks down, jutting out his bottom lip and widening his eyes.

My heart melts and I feel guilt creeping into me. "Tell me what you want, I'll do it!" I squeak out, finally giving in.

Roman's expression changes in the blink of an eye and instead of an innocent, hurt boy, I am greeted with a mischevious yet sexy man.

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