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"Did you just make out with VINCENT?" A voice exclaims causing me to turn my head in alarm.

I come face to face with Kaylee, her mouth agape and eyes wide open. I curse my existence, shame and guilt knocking into me. Snapping out of it, I instantly begin shaking my head in denial.

"Hey, Kaylee!" I greet but she continues staring at me in shock. "Uh...N-No, why would you think that?" I muster up the most innocent voice I possibly can while staring at her with a cherubic expression.

"Well to start off, you rushed out of his car, flustered while fixing your messy clothes. Vincent also gave you his jacket. And, oh wait, let's not forget that he kissed you!" Kaylee shrieks towards the end and I begin stuttering in fear, trying to formulate an excuse for what she saw.

In the middle of my breakdown, Kaylee continues watching me intensely, almost as if she's waiting for me to fuck up. Inhaling shakily, I blurt out the least ridiculous excuses I can come up with.

"I understand why you would think that, but it's a misunderstanding. I was getting late so I rushed out, not realizing my clothes were out of place." I pause in between for a moment to gauge her reaction, but she just silently encourages me to continue with my lame excuse.

"And, uh, you see while I was in the car, I was feeling cold, and Vincent being the good brother he is, noticed it so he gave me his jacket. And I'm not sure about you seeing him give me a peck, which first of all is crazy," I stop to let out a giggle but it dies out when Kaylee looks at me with a not so amused face.

"But it was probably because you saw it from a different angle. I mean, he was helping me since I had something in my eye, so it was most likely the bad angles." I breathe heavily after spewing the nonsense I just did.

I gaze up at Kaylee's face which immediately contorts into an unimpressed expression. It's obvious that she doesn't believe me. Thankfully, she just hesitantly nods her head and I offer her a smile in return.

"Can you please show me around? I am already late for my class." I add extra cheeriness to my voice to hopefully release the awkward tension.

"Bella, you know can trust me right?" Kaylee states out of nowhere, and I'm taken aback by her statement. How am I supposed to tell her what's going on when even I, myself, don't fully understand it yet.

My skin crawls at the thought of Kaylee judging me for what is happening. Will she be disgusted? The overhwelming urge to cry takes over me, but I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth to stop myself. I can't deny that there's attraction between me and my stepbrothers but what does that make me? A slut? Insane? Crazy?

"Let's go, Alexander already mailed me your schedule. We have one class together. The other class you have is art, so I'll show you where the arts building is on our way to class." Kaylee states, forcing her lips into a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

Kaylee gives me a mini tour of the campus before taking me to our first lecture of the day, English. Though Kaylee and I arrive a bit late, the professor doesn't question us, but rather enthusiastically welcomes us. Maybe Alexander has something to do with the welcoming behavior.

Throughout the lesson, I can feel Kaylee's gaze on me. Everytime I turn to make eye contact, she's lost in her own deep thoughts. She's most likely still thinking about this morning.

I, myself, am having trouble forgetting what happened this morning. The sensation of Vincent's lips is etched into every part of my body. I can't take the brothers out of my mind.

Possessive Stepbrothers Where stories live. Discover now