Ch. 7

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Lilly Pov
I woke up. Its the day before my birthday. Im still in a cast but its okay. Im still so happy with Lucas. I rubbed my eyes and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out to the kitchen to make pancakes. There was a tray with a egg and cheese biscuit and coffee with a note. "Happy early birthday beautiful. Hope you enjoy your last breakfast while being 16 -Love Lucas" I took the tray and sat down on the couch as i turned on my favorite show "Riverdale". A brand new season came out today which made my day even better. Lucas came upstairs shirtless. "Oh hey sleepy head, i didnt think you would be awake yet." He said as he walked over and kissed me. "Yea, you woke me up when you got out bed this morning." I said as i took another bite out of my sandwich. It was so good. Lucas always made the best eggs. I got a call from seren, lucas told me to ignore it and he dragged me outside. Before we actually made it out the door he told me to close my eyes. We got down the stairs and I opened my eyes. I saw my twin Zach and his friend ken. I never actually met ken, he was my brothers online friend. I ran and jumped into his arms because I haven't seen him in months. He put me down, i walked over to shake his friends hand. I looked up and our eyes locked for a second. I couldn't see him but i could feel lucas getting jealous. He walked over and grabbed my waist while he kissed me. "Oh uh ken this is my boyfriend" i said. They shook hands. After that me and my brother and his friend went shopping. We also went out for lunch. I was so happy. I missed him more then words can say. At like 4:00 my brother dropped me off home. Lucas started acting strange "hey baby" i said with my hands full with bags. He didnt say anything. "Mind helping sweetie?" I said struggling. "Im busy" he said not look up from his phone. My heart started sinking. I walked to my room and put all the stuff i got away. I walked back out and lucas was on the couch. I sat on his lap and leaned in for a kiss. He pushed me away and laughed at his phone. "I got you something" he said kind of irritated. "Wanna wait until tomorrow?..." i asked. He said no and took me back outside. Sitting right there was my dream car. I screamed and jumped into his arms and tried to kiss him. He dropped me and walked back inside. I held back my tears. I wasn't even excited anymore. I just felt sick. Sick and destroyed. I ran to my room and started crying. It was getting late so i went to bed. It was the next morning. "Goodmorning baby" i said trying to kiss lucas. He still seemed mad. "okayyy so whats wrong?" I asked "look how cute taylor and alex are." He said "uh yea?" I said back "why cant we be like that?" He said "your being crazy lucas" i said. "You aren't the ideal girl" he said "what do you mean?!" I said raising my voice. "Im saying we both know this isnt gonna work out" he barked "OKAY WELL MAYBE IM NOT PERFECT BUT NO RELATIONSHIP IS!" I yelled "EMMA AND MINE WAS FINE IT WAS HONESTLY BETTER THEN WHATEVER THIS IS" he screamed "well maybe you should go back to her." I said in a softer voice "maybe i should" he said as i ran out crying. I got in my car and drove to zachs. When i got there i knocked on the door but someone else answered

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